Student News

Learn what opportunities our students have been taking on

Longerenong College Immersion Day

Last term, the Year 10 students spent the day at Longerenong College exploring the different pathway options within agriculture. It was a great opportunity to find out more about the programs that are available including the breeding and cropping program, and the use of data technology. The presenters on the day shared their own career pathways that included applied science, veterinary science, agronomy, marketing, human resources and employment in shearing, animal handling and working in feedlots. Thank you to Longerenong College for a very informative day.

Last week of term fun!

Year 7 Textiles finished their ugly dolls and Mrs Rook's Year 8/9 Textiles completed their projects including scrunchies, tote bags and book bags.

VCE VM student Phoenix McKinnon organised a session with Headspace for the Year 8 students to attend.


The grand final of the fast five netball competition was played at lunch time on the last day of term. Well done to all teams and congratulations to the green team for winning!

Emerging Sciences Victoria

Throughout Term 1 & 2, Year 10 students Grady McCourt and Hunter Werner studied specialised STEM subjects through Emerging Sciences Victoria (ESV). Hunter studied astrophysics and Grady studied bioinformatics. ESV provides a virtual classroom made up of a team of teaching, learning and educational support staff from John Monash Science School and researchers and academics from Monash University.

Well done Hunter & Grady and thanks to Principal and ESV Liason Teacher Gerard Raven for supporting the students throughout the semester.

Presentation Ball

Our annual Presentation Ball is coming up on Friday 28th July. Participated students have been doing well at practices and perfecting the dances!

Thank you to trainers, Maree and James, to staff involved in organising the event and to families for their support.

Year 9 Career Education Workshop

On Tuesday, the Year 9 students participated in the Year 9 Career Education Workshop held at school. They attended:

Session One:

What is Career Education? What are your strengths?

Session Two:

What are your pathway options?

Session Three:

Time to Learn More - students rotated through the following workshops:


Entry Level Jobs- Antonia Petter - Coles Horsham

Employer Expectations- Chris Barber- Skillinvest

Resumes- David Crook- LLEN (Local Learning and Employment Network)

VET- Things to Know- Di Dent – (LLEN)

Session Four:

Pathways in the Spotlight- Student attended two sessions:

Sport/Exercise- Grant Damon and Casey Moore – YMCA

Construction- Chris Barber- Skillinvest

Agriculture- Amber Peters- Emmetts Horsham

Hair & Beauty- Candice Muszkieta

Health- Andrew Vague and Diedre Harrington- Grampians Health


Thank you to all presenters, your support is greatly appreciated.