Year 5/6

Welcome back to Term 3! The year is flying and we are making great strides with our learning in 5/6T.
Our topic this term is a novel study on the non-fiction book ‘Young Dark Emu’ by Bruce Pascoe which uncovers the history of Indigenous peoples in Australia. So far we have learnt about the colonisation of Australia and how Aboriginal people were affected by this, the agricultural practices of early Indigenous peoples and what aquaculture is. We have also read and retold some Dreamtime stories. This unit has a lot of hands-on ways to present our learning so there is lots to look forward to this term!
In Maths we are just finishing our multiplication unit where we learnt different strategies to multiply single and double digit numbers - we certainly realised how important it is to have automatic recall of our multiplication facts! Our next topic is division followed by money later in the term.
In Wellbeing we are looking at when we need to seek help, brainstorming solutions for problems and what stress is and how we can deal with it.
We had an amazing incursion this week building water rockets with Emma and Ciara from the Victorian Space Science Education Centre. We learnt all about forces and some of our rockets even made it the length of the oval! We were lucky enough to also get an astronomy lesson later that night using their high-powered telescopes to view the Lancefield night sky. Thanks so much Emma and Ciara!