Year 3/4

It has been a fantastic start to the term. Our topic for the term is the Solar System. The students are absolutely loving learning all about the planets and others fascinating things that make up our Solar System. We have learnt the saying “My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Nothing” to help us remember the order of the planets.
We had an amazing time at our incursion this week. Visitors from VSSEC came and talked to us about force. The students worked in pairs to create their own rocket and then we got to launch them on the oval. The fun didn’t stop there with the incursion continuing on into the night with an astronomy evening. We had access to two telescopes and were blessed with a clear night which enabled us to clearly see Venus, Mercury and Mars as well as some other constellations.
So far in Maths we have been looking at how to calculate the area of a two-dimensional shape using formal units of measurement. We have also continued learning our times tables.
We have been having weekly Wednesday meetings to discuss the upcoming camp and answer any questions or worries that they might have. The forms have been sent home which include the items that each student will need to bring with them. If there are any questions regarding this please contact your teacher.
Strange man returns to class after extended absence
Rockets launched from oval cause hysteria
Class learn the meaning of the word “Shiny”
Camp thoughts continue........
Wiley returned from an extended absence and looked shell shocked this week as he recalls what teaching was all about. The kids were surprised to know he didn’t initially know where the pencils were kept. Natalie reported back saying this guy will get through give him time. He then proceeded to display on a map the story of his travels and where exactly the outside of the buildings look like toilets and how many tarts it is possible to eat in Portugal.
The people from VSSEC (fancy science school in Melbourne) came and explained to us about forces involved in the creation of robots and then rockets were launched!! Rowan was amazed with his altitude achieved, while Aleah was heard to say “WOW!” and paced out her 38 paces of length achieved.
Meanwhile back in class, kids were surprised to learn that Wiley has a special word for paying attention when Chromebooks are in operation. The mere mention of the word “Shiny” means anything shiny has to get away and quickly.
Wednesday meetings are continuing with questions and concerns about camp being just around the corner. Kirsty is helping no end and just counting down the weeks until the big event.