Year 1/2

Everything is ticking over nicely in year 1/2. We have had heaps of fun learning about time, with lots of hands-on activities to solidify the learning for all. We have made ourselves into human clocks, which the students were thoroughly engaged in. We have used playdough as hands for a clock to demonstrate analogue and digital times and used mini clocks as well. In Reading, we have been focusing on how to be fluent readers and how to look at punctuation to make our reading expressive and entertaining for the listener. Big books, partner reading and readers theatre have been a big part in making the students successful in this. We are starting a new topic of Ancient Egypt which the students are very excited about. Through this unit we will be learning how to write information reports or factual writing pieces. The students first attempt at this was completed very well and were congratulated on the amazing effort they put in. I look forward to watching how they grow in the process. Students have been part of NAIDOC week in the first week back, where we had an Indigenous Sports afternoon. Many students came away from this event expressing how much they enjoyed themselves. It was a wonderful time to make students aware of the traditional games the Aboriginal people played and how we can still carry these games into the future.