It is going to be very exciting next week for the Preps as we are celebrating our 100th day of school. It has been amazing to see how much the kids have grown since the start of the year. We are certainly looking forward to seeing all of the ‘100 year olds’ come to school next Friday for the dress up day.
This term we are very excited to be undertaking the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. The kids are so excited to get into the kitchen and the first couple of sessions have been a roaring success. A reminder that Prep A cook on a Tuesday and Prep N on a Wednesday, with both sessions starting at 12pm. Gardening is on a Thursday morning with Prep A at 9:50am and Prep N at 10:40am.
The topic for this term is ‘Paddock to Plate’. We will be looking at where does the food we eat come from. The kids will be looking at the types of farms in the local area, foods that we eat that come from different parts of the world and how does the food end up on our plate.