Physical Education

Hi All!
I feel like I always start my first newsletter of the term with these exact words…. “What an absolute ripper of a start to the term!” I mean it, though. We really are having a great time in PE & Health, learning some new sports and getting stuck into our Health lessons. In the lower years, the students are learning the fundamentals of soccer and what it means to be a good team player. We’ve started to play some mini games of indoor soccer and after only two sessions, all classes are showing huge amounts of improvement. Naturally, everyone wants to be that player who scores a goal and we’re learning not to steal the ball off our own teammate to do so… we’ll get there.
In the upper years, we’re having a great time getting outside on the diamond playing softball. None of us can work out why it’s actually called softball because when the ball hits you on the knee or shin, it’s definitely not soft! We’ve been concentrating on glove work (and finding the right glove and remembering each week which glove that is) and getting used to running around the diamond. Our next step is to get out the bats and have a hit. Don’t worry, the helmets will come out for that one!
In Health, the lower years are looking at problem solving in relationships (family, friends, siblings, in the school yard etc.) Grades 3 and 4 are looking at what makes a good friendship and grades 5 and 6 are lucky enough to be doing ‘Preparation for Puberty’. These sessions are going so well and I couldn’t be more proud of every single student. The sessions are full of respect, curiosity and learning… plus a significant amount of giggling!
We have the COBAW Districts Athletics coming up in Bendigo on Thursday 10th August. I’m still keen to hear from any parent helpers who can volunteer their time for the day.
That’s it from me… looking forward to continuing with this great start and making term 3 the best one yet!