Student Leaders Report
On the 15th of June our JSC organised a winter wonderland day where our students had the chance to dress up in winter wonderland themed clothes or casual clothes. We saw lots of comfy and cosy outfits and hoped they enjoyed it. There was also a scarf design competition with a deadline of the 16th of June and the best design will win a special prize.
We also have a meal deal in the last week of school with our preps to twos on Tuesday, threes to fours on Wednesday and fives to sixes on Thursday. No other lunch orders will be allowed on those meal deal days and on Friday the 23rd (the last day of school) the canteen will be closed. The deadline for the meal deal is the 19th of June at 2pm and no late requests will be allowed.
Five of our students participated in Regional cross country on the 14th of June. All our students tried their best but unfortunately none of them made it through. Congratulations to all students who participated and a big well done to them.
On the 16th of June some of our students will be participating in winter sports. Our fives to sixes had a chance to try out for our winter teams of soccer, netball, T-ball and football we have been training for our sports for a while and even if some of our students didn’t get in well done for having a go and well done to all students who made the team.
Have a great week!
Yours sincerely,
School and Vice Captains