Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Lenny Balmer | For always striving to achieve his learning goals | Harrison Arnup |
PB | Florence Thomas | For using her letter sound knowledge to write 3 sentences in her narrative writing. | Harvey Donnelly |
PC | Brody Morris | For significant improvement in all areas of the curriculum | Laikyn Cummins |
1A | Indiana Simes | For writing an excellent recount of our school incursion and for always trying her best. | Abbie Sidhu |
1B | Alice Fitzpatrick | For writing a detailed information report. | Lily Rhodes |
1C | Violet Bell | For trying her best to add more detail to her sentences. | Kayden Mcdorman |
2A | Piper Stewart | For demonstrating her thinking when solving mathematical challenges. | Elsie Thomson |
2B | Logan Thomas | For learning new strategies to solve challenging addition and subtraction equations successfully. | Matilda Welsh |
2C | Oscar Lucca | For working hard in literacy and listening carefully. | Lara McGrath |
3/4A | Tilly Kendall | For being an outstanding role model for the rest of her class, and always showing her best behaviour. | Nate Testa |
3B | George Smith | For continually trying his hardest in all learning areas. | Hannah Collard |
3C | James Turner | For showing persistence when faced with challenging tasks | Xanthe Sheehan |
4B | Archer McCready | For applying himself to complete his procedural text draft. | Addison Lim |
4C | Sophee EVANS | For writing a detailed book report. | Hamish CASTAGNINI |
5A | Mila Sproal | Outstanding effort and achievement in multiplication | Alice Pearson |
5B | Sophie Hunter | For taking on feedback to improve her narrative writing | Kaiden Edwards |
5C | Ryder Stanaitis | For writing detailed summary entries and acting upon feedback when given. | Mitchell Clarke |
5/6D | Isla Kerr | For asking for feedback on her work and applying it immediately. | Elsie Stevens |
6B | Archie Lane | For demonstrating fantastic effort and persistence when completing his ‘Worse Things’ Think Board. | Chanel Morgan |
6C | Tristan Allum | For Outstanding effort with his narrative writing project | Damon Truscott |