Onyx Community

Term 1 in Onyx Community

We’ve had a wonderful start to the year in Onyx community!


We’ve had many wonderful experiences across Opal and Onyx in Literacy. We’ve made pasta necklaces and giant puppets for Carnival. We’ve visited the Frog Bog, played at the Play Pod and competed in the Gaga Pit! We are becoming more confident and excited about writing.



Place Value and number work have been a big part of our learning in Numeracy this term. We’ve also tried out telling the time, shape and patterns. Before carnival last week, we tried a problem-solving activity called ‘How many legs in the animal farm?’. We had to make 20 legs all together and tried to think about all the crazy combinations we could make with farm animals – perhaps 1 donkey, 1 pig,

2 ducks and a spider!


The students in Onyx have been thinking hard about Identity and Belonging for our Inquiry unit. We had a special visit from Samuel Mulual, who works for North Melbourne Football Club. He was born in South Sudan and travelled to Australia as a refugee when he was a child. We enjoyed hearing his story and asking him questions about his journey. Recently, we’ve been thinking about our own stories and strengths. We made an ‘Onyx Yellow Pages’, a go-to book for finding experts and helpers in our class.


We’ve been practicing our collaboration skills and working with others by making new friends. We talked about what a good learning friend is and we’ve been practicing sitting next to and working with people who help us work and learn better. It’s hard, but we are trying our best!



We can’t wait for Term 2! See you there!