Principal Message
End of First Term
This has been a short but incredibly productive first term. It feels like just yesterday when we welcomed our students to the beginning of the 2018 school year. It never ceases to amaze me just how much we can fit into a day, week, month, term. We had a very settled and calm beginning and all students nestled into their learning in calm classrooms, displaying the school values and student mantras as part of their daily interactions. The teachers have been incredibly busy assessing and planning for each student's point of need and have developed engaging learning experiences for the students. They have sought to bring purposeful, rigorous, relevant and meaningful learning into the daily learning experience ensuring that reasoning and application were just as important as facts and knowledge. Parents have engaged in many ways this term, the most recent as wonderful participants at our School Carnival, but also as part of information evenings, parent teacher interviews and parent helpers courses. I am very proud that we have grown our School Council membership and also recently presented our Annual Report to the Annual General Meeting on March 20. I thank the parents who attended this meeting. I also congratulate Zayan Haq and Scarlett Haynes, our School Captains, who also presented their reflection of the past 12 months and their aspirations for the student leadership body. The school has actively engaged in a number of sporting events across the network and district, community events such as Weerama on March 18th and excursions that connected students with their wider communities and challenged them to think deeply about the rich and enormous diversity that makes up our community.
I am very proud of the stance taken by staff and students especially in recognition of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. However, it is not enough to focus on this just one day a year. It is something to work on and move to eradicate on a daily basis. I ask parents, if you have yet to see it, to view a thought provoking story run on The Project that really hones in on this issue.
I continue to promote the importance of attendance at school everyday and about being here on time so that every minute of instruction, learning and engagement can be captured. I also remind every adult about our responsibility in ensuring all children are safe especially during drop off and pick up times. I ask all adults to be aware of the new signage 'No U Turns" and the clearer new signs identifying "2 minute drop off zones". It is great to see more pedestrians accessing the new crossing at the roundabout at Federation Boulevard and Romi Ave. A reminder that it is a 40kmh zone around schools. I have been in recent discussion with Region and the Minister's Office regarding the school's situation and that the school has been recognised and applauded for its many faceted, concentrated efforts in ensuring student safety. As the adults we need to model safe and correct practices. If you break the law, you will be fined.
Again a warm, heartfelt thanks to all who were involved in the school carnival as planners, organisers, stall holders and attendees. A tremendous day filled with great community spirit, connection and fun. In my first newsletter back in Term 2 I will announce the final amount raised but I want to assure you all the money raised will go into purchasing resources to enhance all our children's learning experiences.
Prep enrolments for 2019 have begun. If you have a young child who turns five (5) by April 30, 2019 or know of a friend or neighbour whose child needs to be enrolled for school, please direct inquiries to the office on 92961800 or collect an enrolment pack from the main office. See 'Important Dates' section of this newsletter for tour dates. Bookings must be made for these tours through the main office.
We end the term with our wonderful Cross Country and Fun Run Day where team colours of blue, yellow, red and purple will fly proudly. A reminder that we have an early finish this coming Thursday March 29 with all students being dismissed at 2.00pm. Please ensure arrangements are in place for students who need to be collected to be done so at this time.
I wish all our students and families a very safe and restful vacation break and look forward to seeing you all upon our return to school on Monday April 16.
Transition to Secondary School Information
I want to mention a couple of community announcements.
Thomas Carr details:
For students and their families in Year 5 in 2018, an information evening is set for April 19 at 7.00pm at Thomas Carr (35 Thomas Carr Drive, Tarneit). There is a tour prior to the information evening at 6.15pm. Further information, please contact Kylie Stonehouse on 87342409.
Mount Saint Josephs details:
For students contemplating Mt St Josephs (133 Maidstone St, Altona), there is an Open Day set for Sunday May between 10.00am and 1.00pm. There are some open mornings also scheduled between 9.15 and 10.30am on April 19, 21 June, 19 July, 16 August, 20 September. 18 October, 15 November. There are a number of information cards at the office or the school can be contacted via Sherri Collins on 8398 2007.