Visual Arts

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teachers
Manga is a style of comic drawing originating in Japan. Students were instructed on techniques for pencil shading and drawing stylised faces. The eyes and hair are distinctive features.
This printing technique is a similar process to traditional lino cuts. Students drew a design on paper and then traced this heavily onto a sheet of foam using a thick pencil. When the paper design was removed, students refined their imprint by doing a second tracing. Printing ink was rolled onto the foam, which was then placed face down onto a sheet of paper. A hard roller was used to press the design onto the paper.
WOW!!! was the commonly used response when the students peeled their foam off to reveal their design.
DRY PASTEL by Year Two
Students were taken through a series of steps to draw a wolf's head. Dry pastel was introduced and techniques were modelled. Students had to use at least two colours in creating the wolf's fur and were impressed by the effect produced when using black paper to draw on.
Thank you
Thank you to all the parents who sent in socks for our Year 3/4 Sock puppets, excellent recycling. The students are creating and innovating their sock puppets with real enjoyment. Watch this space for the results. In Term Four, they will be using them to create their own puppet plays. They are looking very cool!!!