Upcoming Events
Term Two
19th June Regional Cross Country
22nd June Year 6 Girls Soccer Gala Day
22nd June 7.00pm John Bench: Auditory Processing
23rd June Year 1 Dinosaur World Excursion
26th June 1.30pm Senior Choir Singalong with St Mark's
27th June 2.15pm Year 3/4 Expo
28th June Year 6 Basketball Gala Day
28th June Year 5/6 STEAM Fair
30th June Year 5/6 Interschool Sports Finals
30th June Red Nose Day
30th June 2.30pm Last Day of Term 2
Term Three
17th July First Day of Term 3
20th July 6.00pm Ski Camp Information Night
24th July 6.00pm Year 4 Camp Information Night
26th July Year 5/6 NRL Clinic
28th July 5/6 Netball Victoria Schools Championships
2nd August Ski Camp
2nd August Year 3/4 Werribee Zoo Excursion
7th August Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival
11th August Ignite STEAM Conference STUDENT FREE DAY
Beauty and The Beast
Production Dates: Cast A
Dress Rehearsal: Thursday 7th September 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Matinee Performance: Monday 11th September 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Evening Performance 1: Tuesday 12th September 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Evening Performance 2: Wednesday 13th September 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Cast A Classes
Prep B, Prep R, 1B, 1H, 2N, 2S, 3/4D, 3/4P, 3/4S, 5/6M, 5/6S & 5/6W
Production Dates: Cast B
Dress Rehearsal: Friday 8th September 11.10am – 1.00pm
Matinee Performance: Wednesday 13th September 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Evening Performance 1: Thursday 14th September 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Evening Performance 2: Friday 15th September 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Cast B Classes
Prep C, 1S, 1M, 2K, 2D, 2F, 3/4H, 3/4N, 3/4T, 5/6B, 5/6H &5/6R
Please note that the Senior Choir will be in all performances as they are accompanying the Year 2 classes, and they will also be performing with their own class.