Assistant Principal News

To our students


We miss you greatly. The College is certainly a different place without you all here. We look forward to seeing you all soon but we are enjoying getting to interact with you each day online. A few things to remember:

School is important but so is exercise, speaking to your friends and spending time with your family. Even though you have school work to do, make time for the other important elements that balance out your day.


Staying on top of your school work is important… but not at the expense of your mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a short break to re-centre your thoughts. If you have tried your best but still haven't finished the work, it's ok…. Communicate with your teacher about where you are up to, We are all adjusting to a new situation… let us know, we will support you and help you as best we can.


If you are finding yourself feeling isolated, anxious or generally feeling down, please reach out. Your Homeroom teacher, Pastoral Leader  College counsellor are here to assist you. Just because we can’t see you in person, doesn’t mean we haven't stopped caring.


Finally remember - contact your friends, email your teachers, be patient with this situation. We will hopefully be back at school before we know it . . . until then, look for the positives.


I wish to thank parents, students and staff for their patience and positive and constructive feedback over the last week. While we realise this new way of learning is very different we are also excited by the possibilities and potential to change the way that we teach and learn. 


We are very proud of our teachers in the way they have implemented a new form of teaching at such short notice. Parents, carers and students, please know that our teachers and support staff are putting in hours of time behind the scenes to make Online Learning for students, both engaging and relevant.


Parents, I also thank you for your support in transitioning your child into Online Learning also at such short notice. As we know here at Marian learning is a partnership and despite our geographical isolation, we are still a strong community of learners.


Students please be patient, calm and focused. Teachers are also adapting to this new form of planning and teaching. Please read all instructions carefully, and organise your files and folders to ensure you understand what you need to do for all your lessons. Online Learning relies upon a great deal of maturity, self control and responsibility on your behalf. However we know that you will rise to the challenge.



Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Assistant Principal