StormSafe Facts

StormSafe Facts

Storms can be very dangerous.  Storms can come with strong wind, heavy rain, lightning, and hail. Heavy rain can cause flash flooding. Low-lying areas can flood without warning.  Listen to storm warning. Make sure friends, family, and neighbours know about the warning.


If driving, pull over safely, away from the traffic. Turn your hazard lights on and wait for the storm to pass. DO NOT park your vehicle under trees. Trees and branches can fall during storms. 


If outside, seek shelter indoors. DO NOT shelter under trees.


Secure all loose objects in your garden or around your house.


If indoors, stay away from windows.


Listen to your ABC or your local radio station for emergency warnings and advice.


Prepare a home emergency plan for your home or business.


Prepare an emergency kit with:

* important documents (passport/visa, medical prescriptions)

* battery powered radio

* first aid kit

* torch

* photos and identification


Flood and Storm Emergency Assistance 132 500.


Life threatening emergency, call 000.


If you need to evacuate, take the emergency kit with you.


NEVER drive, ride, or walk through floodwater.


NEVER let children play near floodwater. It is dirty and dangerous.


When the storm has passed, let people know you are okay.