Active Through The Arts

Active Through The Arts

The EAL class has been working with a program called ‘Active through the Arts’, where two very talented facilitators run the 90 minute session every Friday afternoon.

The students have full creative control of the program and with Eze E and Anuwop’s guidance, have decided to create a music video, utilising the talents and experience that Eze E and Anuwop have to offer and also a rapper and hip hop instructor who have also been coming out to the school to work on this project.

There are a few different roles and groups, each working on an artistic and creative aspect of the music video such as dancing, rapping and directing. The program allows students to work together, socialise and have a go at something they have never done before. It has been great to watch the students learn, build their confidence and make new friendships.


We are excited to see what the finished music video will look like! Stay tuned…



EAL Coordinator