From the Principal Class Team

Dear Parents and Guardians

Each four years, government schools undertake a review of their achievements, processes and policies, with a focus on student learning, wellbeing and engagement. The Review leads to the development of the school’s next four year Strategic Plan.


2020 was our year of review. During the first half of the year, we engaged with our teaching and Education Support Staff, students, parents and School Council to identify our achievements and highlights, as well as areas where there are opportunities for further growth and improvement.


Our self evaluation was then considered and validated by independent reviewers who spent three days visiting classes, and talking to staff, students and parents.


The Review Team identified the following highlights as things they felt stood out about our school:


Highlight 1 A culture of success

The Panel found that a key College highlight was:

  • St Albans SC established a positive culture of high expectations and success that was appreciated by staff, students and parents.
  • The positive culture was evidenced by the calm and focused learning environment in classrooms and the high level of respect that existed between staff and students at all year levels.
  • The college implemented structures which supported all students in their transition into, through and beyond the school.
  • The college has supported students to continually improve their levels of achievement, engagement and wellbeing. The careers and wellbeing teams promoted student aspirations and support for students. Support was pro–active as well as reactive when necessary.
  • The Panel noted that the positive climate for learning was endorsed by staff, students and parents in surveys and was observed through classroom visits during the review.
  • The Panel agreed that the college had a positive climate which promoted success for all students.

Highlight 2 Extra–curricular activities

The Panel found that a key College highlight was:

  • St Albans SC had established a positive culture for learning through the establishment of a range of extra–curricular activities.
  • The Panel noted that staff, students and parents commented on the extra–curricular program in focus groups throughout the review. Students stated that these activities were a highlight of their time at school.
  • The extra–curricular activities included a range of sports, debating, an annual theatre production, subject competitions, poetry competitions, multicultural days, fashion week, the camps program, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and a range of leadership programs.
  • The college camp in Strathbogie was a highlight for junior students at the college. Students commented positively, in focus groups, about their time at this camp and other camps throughout their time at the school.

Highlight 3 Academic and pathways outcomes

The Panel found that a key College highlight was:

  • St Albans SC students achieved positive results in terms of academic success and aspirations for the future. This was considered to be a highlight of the college.
  • In the VCE and the VCAL, a high percentage of students were successful in completing the certificate, and most students achieved high Australian Tertiary Academic Rank (ATAR) scores which allowed them to access a wide range of tertiary education courses.
  • Ninety–six per cent of students from the 2018 cohort of students continued to university, Technical and Further Education (TAFE), apprenticeships, traineeships or full time work. Students, in focus groups during the review, acknowledged the work of their teachers for the assistance that was provided to them on a regular basis.
  • The Panel noted evidence of students’ results and destinations and agreed that the college’s academic and pathways outcomes were a highlight of the college.

The Review Team then recommended the following key directions for the next SSP:

  • Literacy and numeracy
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Differentiation of learning
  • Guaranteed and viable curriculum
  • Student voice and agency
  • Active learning, including real–world applications
  • Student engagement and wellbeing
  • Engagement of families in student learning

With this in mind, the Goals and Key Improvement Strategies for our 2020 – 2023 Strategic Plan are:


Goal 1

To improve student achievement in all areas of learning at all year levels

Suggested FISO dimensions (in order of priority)

Priority Area: Excellence in Teaching and Learning


1. Building Practice Excellence

2. Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Goal 1 rationale
The Panel recognised the need to improve numeracy outcomes, and to ensure that literacy outcomes and learning growth for all students continued to improve, through the development of curriculum and pedagogical practices with an emphasis on curriculum, high impact teaching strategies and the development of creative and critical thinking skills.


1.1 By 2023, to increase the percentage of students in the top 2 bands in Year 9 NAPLAN Reading, Writing and Numeracy to at least 25% from the 2019 results of 16%, 15% and 21% respectively.

1.2 By 2023, to increase the percentage of students with medium and high growth in NAPLAN Reading, Writing and Numeracy to at least 85% from the 2019 results of 82%, 81% and 65% respectively.

1.3 By 2023, to increase the mean All Study VCE score to 32 from the 2018 result of 30.15.

1.4 By 2023, to have all VCE subjects achieve a mean score greater than the score predicted by the General Achievement test.

Key Improvement Strategies (KIS)

1a Develop and implement a whole-school plan for literacy and numeracy
