

Welcome to the 2019 school year to our entire College community. I extend a special welcome to our new Year 7 students and their families, our new Year 9 Steiner students and their families and several other families who have joined us at other year levels in 2019. This year we have 127 Year 7 students who have enrolled at CSC, and we appreciated meeting many of these students with their families at the recent Family Barbecue for Year 7 families. The students themselves appear to have started the year well and I am sure that they are looking forward to getting to know each other better at the upcoming Year 7 Camp.

Staff Professional Development Day on February 26

Last Tuesday we had our first staff professional development day for the year. On this day, all staff (teachers and support staff) undertook Day 3 of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training, after having previously completed the first two days of this program during our final two professional development days in 2018. The BSEM training has been designed to assist staff with developing highly effective student engagement strategies and to support students to develop better emotional regulation techniques for more effective learning. A key focus of our Day 3 training was to explore ways of promoting a culture of academic persistence and student resilience. Our staff will complete the final day of this four day program at our next professional day in May. Further details about the BSEM program can be found via this link:

Building Update

As mentioned in my Term 4 messages from 2018, there was intensive work occurring with our architects between September and December last year to produce designs for our new school buildings. Students, staff and members of School Council were involved in these meetings. The preliminary designs produced through this work are now being used by the architects to prepare tender documents so that a process to appoint a construction company can commence in May. This will allow construction to commence in Term 3 this year. Demolition of some of our old buildings will occur at the start of the construction process (i.e. the middle of this year), with the remaining old buildings being demolished once our new buildings are finished towards the end of 2020. The new portable building located next to the Wellbeing Building has been moved to our school site to assist us with extra classroom space once demolition of some of our old buildings occurs in the middle of this year.


Paul Frye
