Principal News
Building Update
After almost a year of planning and design work, I am pleased to confirm that construction of our new school buildings still on track to commence early next term. We are currently in the process of appointing a Head Building Contractor for the works, and we expect to finish this appointment process in the upcoming school holidays. Demolition and building works will commence within a few weeks of the Head Building Contractor being appointed.
Some of the first works to occur will be the demolition of the 100 block of buildings (along Lawson Parade) and the western end of the 200 block to make way for our new Administration and Library Building. The eastern end of the 200 block will also be demolished to make way for an extension to our Performers’ Precinct. Before any demolition occurs, all asbestos will be safely removed from the old buildings to be demolished. This work will be undertaken on weekends and in complete compliance with the strict Department of Education and Training safety requirements. Early next term I will provide further information about these processes and the exact timing of these works.
During the building process, our Blakeley Road Campus will operate from our three new buildings (Wellbeing, Engineers and Stage 1 of Performers), the middle section of the 200 block (where reception, administration and the school library will remain) and the 300 block. The middle section of the 200 Block and 300 Block will only be demolished at the end of the building process to make way for landscaping works. Substantial preparations have already been occurring over the past few months to ensure that we can operate in a “business as usual” manner from the spaces available to us from the beginning of next term. I encourage parents to contact me at the College if you have any queries about the building works.
Parking for dropping off and picking up students at the Blakeley Road campus
Concerns have again been raised by staff members and parents who have noticed some parents/carers entering the carpark to drop off or pick up their children, or parking in the space to the north of the Steiner portables. For the safety of all students, could parents/carers please drop off and collect their children from the south side of Lawson Parade, directly north of the 100 block. Feedback from staff and families have also described near accidents due the proximity of the undesignated parking area to the carpark exit. Please familiarise yourselves with the appropriate parking area shown in the map below. Thank you for helping to keep our students, staff and families safe.
With the commencement of the final stage of our building program, demand for parking on the north side of Lawson Parade will increase as the north-eastern staff carpark will be enclosed within the construction zone. CSC is currently working with Mount Alexander Shire Council to improve this parking area for both staff and student/family use.
School Review
Thank you to the parents who contributed to our recent School Review survey and focus groups. As mentioned in my last newsletter article, all Government Schools are required to undertake a major school review every four years, with the outcome of the review informing the development of our next new four-year strategic plan. Our school review will occur between August 14 and September 11. I will be using all of the feedback provided through our recent consultation sessions with parents, students and staff to complete a Pre-Review Self Evaluation for our appointed reviewer. During the period of our School Review, our reviewer will also be conducting further interviews with parents, students and school staff.
Two Staff Retirements
The end of this term marks the retirement for two long-standing members of staff. We will be farewelling Joan Styles, who has taught Indonesian with us for 26 years, and Robyn Dowling, who has been one of our Laboratory Technicians for 30 years. I am grateful to Joan and Robyn for the excellent service they have provided over many years at CSC, and I wish them well for their retirements.
Paul Frye
Child Safe Standards
All CSC staff have a moral and legal obligation and a duty of care to protect any child under their care from reasonably foreseeable harm. To ensure the safety of all CSC students the following actions will be taken during term 3:
- All CSC staff to undergo updated Child Safe Standards training
- All CSC College Council members to undergo updated Child Safe Standards Training
- Child Safe / Wellbeing Information boards to be developed in each Learning Precinct, which will provide important information to students about this topic.
In line with the above actions, the College has recently updated a range of Child Safe Standard Policies, to ensure we are providing a safe and compliant environment for CSC students. Please access to College’s website to view the following policy documents:
- Child Safe Policy
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Policy and Procedures
- Code of Conduct – Child Safety
- Staff Selection
- Duty of Care
- Student Wellbeing and engagement
- Bullying prevention
Any questions related to above policies should be directed to Paul Frye or myself.
Families are reminded to contact the College’s Administration or Wellbeing Teams if financial assistance is required for the purchasing of uniform.
Justin Hird
Assistant Principal