
Numurkah Primary School 

We are learners, responsible, respectful and caring. 

Numurkah Primary School recognises the importance of the partnership between schools and parents to support student learning, engagement and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, ensuring inclusive, safe and orderly environments for children and young people.   


The four values that we focus on at Numurkah Primary - learning, responsibility, respect and care - are important ideals that remind us all of what is important in life. Strong values provide guidance, pointing us in the right direction when we are at a loss or need help.

Seeing our school values at work is one of my favourite things about being a chaplain - I especially love it when our students show care when no-one is watching and do a job when no-one has asked. 


As parents, carers, teachers, well-being staff, family, community members - every adult - we are responsible for setting the example for our kids. Often when we think no-one is watching - our children are! Let's not take short cuts but strive to set the standard in our own values! 


Tam Joyce