Student Awards 

Student of the Week - 17/09/2020

Prep/1A - Makenzee - For putting in so much effort throughout remote learning. You have submitted some fantastic work and should be very proud of yourself.

Prep/1J - India - For excellent reading and writing tasks on the computer program Seesaw! Well done India! 

1/2R - Whole Class - For doing an amazing job with Home Learning over the past 7 weeks. I have been so impressed with the work you have been doing and I am very proud of how you have managed your learning. I can’t wait to see you all back at school next term.  

2/3C - Josh - For being an excellent role model for the students at the on-site learning. You have been sensible and responsible every time you have come in.   

3/4S - Cooper - You have put in a great consistent effort every week of Remote Learning Cooper – very well done! 

3/4S - Haylee - For great work throughout Remote Learning – and for receiving your fiftieth Mathletics Certificate! 

3/4W - Anna - Anna congratulations on producing good quality work consistently throughout this term. You are an enthusiastic learner who is always committed to doing your best. Be proud of your efforts!

5/6H - Arthur - For an excellent term’s work! You have consistently completed all set learning tasks to a high standard and participated regularly in our Teams Meetings, demonstrating an outstanding work ethic. 

5/6S - Theodore - During remote learning this term you have shown great persistence as you very successfully completed and submitted a range of tasks. I enjoyed reading your descriptive and interesting spring poem! A fantastic effort! 

Music - Asha - For a great effort with your Sweet Caroline worksheet. 

You made some great insights and observations. Well done Asha!  

Art - Jacinta - For your lovely flower artwork. Well done Jacinta!


Student of the Week - 09/10/2020

Prep/1A - Casey and Logan - For returning to class with a wonderful attitude. You have both worked fantastically all week. Keep it up! 

Prep/1J - Jett - For excellent return to class and a positive start to Term 4! Well done Jett! 

1/2R - Kiera - For making a wonderful start to the term in her new school. She has quickly learned our classroom routine and is eager to learn.   

2/3C - Poppy - For a great start to the term. You have come to school ready to learn and participated in all activities with enthusiasm.

3/4S - Billy - I have been so impressed with the way that you have returned to school for Term Four – you have shown all four of our School Values so well! 

3/4W - Marshall - Marshall has had an amazing start to the Term by being focused on his learning at all times. 

5/6H - Tyler - For settling back into our classroom routine in an efficient and productive manner. Your Writer’s Notebook cover was of a high standard and the poem you wrote for it was excellent. Keep up the good work!  

5/6S - Alexis - For successfully completing a range of individual tasks and working cooperatively during group activities. You have also quickly settled into the 5/6S routine at N.P.S.   A fantastic effort! 

5/6S - Maison - For working cooperatively with others and successfully completing a range of ICT and English tasks. You also showed good leadership in your role as manager of the Flag Monitors Team.  

Science - Holly 5/6S - For outstanding work in Science this week for the topic of Structural Engineering. Holly has displayed an outstanding work ethic and commitment during all learning activities. 

Values - Marshall 3/4W - Marshall has achieved the School Values award this week for modeling all of the school values. He has shown great commitment to his work and has been an excellent listener during classroom learning activities.