Junior Resource Centre (JRC) News

Welcome Back

It's fantastic to have the Year 7 and VCE students back at school again and we look forward to seeing everyone else very soon!  Whilst we are still encouraging students to use our great eBook collection on ePlatform, students can now browse and borrow from our print collection as well.  Just remember if you want to borrow a physical book, please sanitise your hands before touching the books.  

Overdue books

Could any Years 7, 11 and 12 students who had library loans during the lockdown please return their books to the JRC or organise to reborrow.  Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 can keep any loans until they return to school.


David Lawrence Remote Visit

We are excited to be welcoming author David Lawrence to participate in a remote visit next week with one lucky Year 7 English class.  The session will be recorded and then shown to all reading classes following the visit.  


David is a comedy writer/performer who makes a living out of pretending to be other people. He has written for numerous TV shows including Hamish & Andy, Comedy Inc., TV Burp and Talkin’ About Your Generation, and accidentally became a children’s author in 2008. Anna Flowers, as well as the Fox Swift, Ball Stars and Maxi the Lifeguard series all have sporting themes and use comedy to tackle issues such as bullying and racism in schools.

The Stormy Protest (the second book in the Maxi the Lifeguard series) won the 2019 Children’s Environmental Award. David is also a proud Ambassador of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.


VCE English Study Guides and Films 

Just a reminder that VCE students can access a wide range of study guides, films and audiobooks for all English texts on Smartsuite. 

To access: Compass > star > Smartsuite (logon with Compass details) > VCE & MS English.


Audio Visual Troubleshooting

It's fantastic to see so many subjects utilising our new AV libraries, Clickview and Smartsuite, during Remote Learning.  They can be tricky to access for the first time, so if your student is having problems, encourage them to contact Mrs Snooks (msnooks@fhs.vic.edu.au) and I will be able to help fix the issue.