Meet Our Team 

Name: Marissa Tomlinson

Marissa Tomlinson






My family at Wilson's Promontory  
         in January  2020

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Caring, honest and hard working.


What do you like most about your job?

The Kids are the best part of my job. I love getting to know them & their little personalities.


Favourite Food:



What book are you currently reading?

Seasons in my Kitchen Garden by Marcelle Nankervis.


Best holiday spot:

Camping anywhere but especially in the Victorian high country.


Favourite childhood memory:

Getting up early (usually still in the dark) to go to a horse competition, spending all day 'hrsing around' and coming home exhausted for a hot shower.



Funny incident:

When mixing a cake with an electric beater, i bent down for a closer inspection and my hair got caught int the neaters. I ended up a sticky mess!



Hobbies/ Interests/ Sport:

Gardening, Hirse riding, spending time in my backyard with my family, camping, water skiing, dancing.( Drinking wine and eating cheese!)


Best personality trait:



Worst personality trait:



Best film:

I Do't have a favourite. I like funny movies.


Favourite television show:



Our dog Frank
Our dog Frank