Secondary News

As you all know, because of COVID-19 we all had to adapt to the changes in schooling, which turned into remote learning. It was quite hard and frustrating because this current event had never happened before. Due to this change, the year 7 students had many struggles. But as weeks passed, the year 7s got the hang of getting ready for class, setting a schedule, and handing in work on time.
Every Thursday in remote learning we were all divided into teams from our classes, for years 7-9. We then had activities to complete and win to see which group was the best. Until the 5th of October, which is when the year 7s got extremely, exciting news that we would be returning to school. When year 7s came back to school on the 12th of October, we were all so ecstatic to see our friends and we also had a warm welcome from all our teachers. Mr. Hammond planned an around the world activity for all year 7s, it was so much fun!
These past few weeks, being back at school has been so much fun and entertaining, because we had so many great activities and opportunities planned for us. At Carwatha College we are very lucky to still be doing sport and art electives, and the year 7s have taken advantage of that. As of today, we are all so grateful to be here, back at school.
Written by Year 7 Students.
Welcome back to our Year 8 students as we all return to onsite learning. I cannot describe the happiness we feel to see our students back at school!
As we rapidly approach the final weeks of a very unusual school year, our priority will be to celebrate the year and our students' achievements as fully as possible while ensuring all are safe and that we comply with the guidelines and directions from the authorities.
On Tuesday 8th September, a number of our year 8 students participated in a remote ‘Lunch with the Winners’ event, with special guest presenter Dr. Jordan Nygen – a biomedical engineer and inventor. Students were involved in a range of interactive activities, heard from inspiring people, and learned about a dynamic local business.
During remote learning, the following students were our students of the month
Dante Ratanak for always being diligent, working hard, and responding to feedback.
Nilu Perera for always being diligent, enthusiastic, and working her hardest in class.
Congratulations to the following students who received a GPA above 3.2 on their report.
Nilu Perera, Anastasia Cabo, Seneja Alles, Jessica Ryan, Thu Doan, Nurija Hota, Daphne Garcia, Shreenita Mahesha, Nath Chuon, Katherine Irving, Jaydine Alapati, Udayveer Cheema, Diego Queiros, Riomitz Magdalaga and Hamid Hussaini.
Year 8's back at school
Mrs Rentzis - Year 8 Coordinator.
After a very long-awaited pause, I am now finally after what seems like forever, able to say welcome back to school to the year 9’s!
I speak on behalf of the college and myself in saying how excited we all are to have the remainder of the junior students return back for face to face learning.
Lockdown has been a challenge for each and everyone, yet to consider dealing with this challenge at the age of 14 and 15 is a testament to how amazing our year 9’s are. I am proud of how well the students have taken on the challenge of returning to school. Within a few days the year 9’s have settled in fantastically and have been coming into each class enthusiastic and ready to learn.
It is lovely to see the students reconnecting with their peers whom they have not seen in months. Students are also particularly excited, yet a little nervous, about their time in junior school drawing to a close. Students will soon be experiencing next year’s classes in our V3 program which will be a big transition for them.
Overall our students have been fantastic with bringing all their books and supplies back to school. Students are expected to be bringing a laptop, books, and stationery to every class.
If there are any concerns or issues with each student having the correct equipment for each class please feel free to contact the college or email me
Mr Brown - Year 9 Coordinator.
Coming back to school from remote learning was an easy transition. It was nice to see friends again and talk to teachers face-to-face rather than through a screen.
Teachers did their best to provide a stable learning experience during online classes. Some students thrived in remote learning, while others found it more challenging. Being back at school was a rare opportunity to be out of the house for an extended period of time during the tight restrictions. We felt quite tired at the end of each day initially, however, we have now got used to being back at school.
Unit 2 exams for VCE students are scheduled between the 23rd and the 27th of November so this will be a very busy and stressful week. To prepare for exams, I recommend creating a list of all the topics that will be in the exam for each of your subjects and giving yourself a rating from 1 to 5 on all of them. Prioritise studying the areas with the lowest ratings ahead of those with higher numbers and update your rating each time you revise the topic. Good luck to all those who have upcoming exams.
Written by student - Rory Johnstone.
We cannot believe it is almost the middle of Term 4, the final term of the year.
This has indeed been a strange year, a bumpy road for all of us, with online learning, and finally returning back to face to face learning. Being at school with our friends and teachers is a great relief. However, this is the time to get in touch with your teachers to prepare for the upcoming exams, and for the majority of us, Unit 3 & 4 exams are starting next week. Our advice is to do as many practice exams and seek support and feedback from your teachers.
A final note to all students, leadership applications for next year are up on compass. If you have been active around the school community and would like to serve the school in your final year, we would advise you to put your hand up for leadership positions for 2021. Please ensure you address the selection criteria in dot-points and hand in your application form to either Miss Bawa or Miss Hudson.
We have also checked the artwork and material for our graduation jackets for next year. We will soon find out the manufacturing timeline and the expected delivery dates. We are keeping our fingers crossed for an early delivery, especially because of the dynamic situation we are currently facing!
Thank you, and good luck with your final year exams.
Written by students - Raphael Delisavvas and Grace Garcia.
Carwatha Chef Competition
Welcome back to term 4, or what’s left of it for year 12s. To celebrate our return and make some final memories, we held our own version of Masterchef, where students competed against each other in two different rooms, the savoury room, and the sweet room, and to raise the stakes, we had a few teachers compete against students in both rooms. The competition was a success and made for some good memories. All students that participated had a great time and both rooms were smelling divine with all the different flavours combing together. Congratulations to Bill and Ching for winning in the savoury room and to Michael and Adel in the sweet room. A very BIG thank you to all the teachers who participated and made Carwatha Chef possible and to the judges, Miss Andrew, Mr Brown, Mrs Wright, Caitlin, Mr Mulcahy, Naduwa & Sara for your help in deciding on our best chefs
Final day
Just like that, our year 12 has come to an end. The year 12s of 2020, finished their classes on the 30th of October and we celebrated our last assembly on the 29th. Our final assembly was filled with tears and laughs and many memories throughout the years, with Mrs Mcaleer providing Ms Hudson with many photos of year 12s in their prep year, the start of our school journey. We are sad to be leaving school this year, as for most of us, it has helped us create a routine and made friendships, now we are left to our own devices and only the advice from our teachers and families to go on with. From the quarantine class of 2020, thank you to everyone that helped make this bad year, an okay one.
Year 12 students in Grade Prep.
Year 7-9 Students showed great dedication to their Art studies during remote learning. They completed some amazing zentangle drawings. Trying to achieve a meditative state whilst drawing ‘tangles’ as a form of relaxation. Letting the pen form unique and interesting patterns and designs before shading some areas to create depth and interest.
Also during remote learning, Year 7-9 Students were challenged to paint using unconventional painting materials – coffee and tea! Experimenting with different concentrations and applications to achieve a variety of different tones.
Year 7 Art
Aboriginal Inspired Abstract Paintings
Year 7 Art Semester 1 and Semester 2 students researched Aboriginal abstract artworks. They studied the lines, shapes and colours used. They learnt how to interpret abstract works.
Skills developed:
- creating monochromatic tints, tones and shades.
- using a range of techniques to apply the paint
- painting patterns, lines, shapes and motifs in a deliberate way.
- describing the overall mood or effect in their artwork.
Glassware on Black paper
Year 7 students learnt how to draw glassware on black paper.
Skills developed:
- drawing contour lines in the correct proportion
- using a range of techniques to apply the pencil/charcoal
- shading using white pencil or charcoal on black paper to create different tones of white
- identifying areas to highlight
- modifying to make improvements
Year 8 Art
Monochromatic Watercolour Painting
Year 8 students selected an image to draw and convert to a painting using water colour pencils.
Skills developed:
- drawing contour lines from observation
- layering and blending different shades and tints of one hue (colour)
- shading highlights and shadows, creating the illusion of form
- carefully apply water to create water colour paint
Mrs McAleer - Art Teacher.