
Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters (Class FA)

Lisa Dam (Class FB)

Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB
Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB



Last week the Foundation students celebrated their 100 Days of School! All week the students focused on and learnt all about the number 100. In classroom learning activities, students practised counting to 100, skip counting by 10’s to get to 100 and beyond, and finding the place value in two digit numbers. 


On Friday, they consolidated this knowledge by completing a variety of 100 themed activities with a focus on counting, skip counting and place value. The day was a huge success and the students had a fun day learning all about the number 100! 


The students painted 10 dots in 10 groups to get to 100. They loved creating a colourful masterpiece by painting and counting to 100! 


Students also completed 10 tasks where we had to find 10 collections of different objects. The students loved finding and drawing 10 letters, numbers and shapes. 


Head bands were constructed to represent the number 100. Using our fine motor skills and number recognition, students created a fantastic 100 crown to wear home! 


The student’s dressed up in ‘100’ themed attire to help celebrate the day. They looked AMAZING! Thank you to everyone for all the effort and hard work you put in to get these amazing outfits together. We were so impressed with how many creative outfits there were! These included a variety of authentic looking100 year old’s and 100 themed outfits. Not only did we celebrate the day completing 100 themed activities, we had a fashion parade and a picnic in the Gallery! What a fantastic day it was! The students were very excited to FINALLY celebrate their 100 days of learning!





Our Assessment Day is the 23rd November.  Mr Scicluna will be in FA and Mrs Lang will be in FB following our usual learning program. 



This week we will be sending home decodable readers in the students green wallets.

Please note that in order to do this in a Covid-safe way the structure of take home readers has changed.


Students will be given readers to take home on Monday. They will then be expected to bring those readers back each Friday. Returning the readers on a Friday will give the school’s contract cleaners an opportunity to sanitise the books, ready for safe distribution on the following Monday. Students will not have the readers over the weekend. Please read with your child nightly, making a note in their student diary. 


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.