Year Two 

Communicating with the Year Two Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input:

Julie Hall (Class 2A)

Stacey Bowles (Class 2B)

Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles
Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles

An Overview of our Learning

As we returned to onsite learning, grade 2 students continued their measurement topic, using various measurement tools, including rulers and trundle wheels to measure the length of many items within the classroom and outside in the playground.

We then moved into the Number and Algebra strand and spent 3 weeks investigating the relationships between addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. Students participated in a variety of activities to further develop their understanding of these four processes, using both written and mental strategies.

Last week we revisited time and students were challenged to read and record time on both digital and analogue clocks, then calculate the elapsed time two points in time.

This week our focus has been on creating displays of data using lists, tables and picture graphs and interpreting these displays.


Julie and Stacey

Student of the Week!

Take Home Readers!

Take home readers have begun this week. Please note that in order to do this in a Covid-safe way the structure of take home readers has changed. Students will be given readers to take home on Monday. They will then be expected to bring those readers back each Friday. Returning the readers on a Friday will give the school’s contract cleaners an opportunity to sanitise the books, ready for safe distribution on the following Monday. Students will not have the readers over the weekend.

Please read with your child nightly, making a note in their student diary. 

Important Dates:

  • Friday the 27th of November - Data and Assessment Day