COVID Drop Off & Dismissal Process and Protocols

Drop Off/Dismissal

Morning Drop Off

● 8:35am Siblings (family groups) arrive

Prep siblings are to enter via Learning St gate and go straight to their classroom

Years 1-6 siblings enter via the main gate and go straight to their class. 

● 8:40am - 8:50am All non-siblings arrive. Preps enter via Learning St gate and go straight to their classroom Year 1-6 enter via the main gate and line up on the basketball

court with their teacher

● No parents/visitors will be allowed on the school grounds.

● Parents are asked not to gather in groups outside the school gates and to observe social



Afternoon Dismissal

● 3:00pm all siblings from all year levels (including those in the same year level, ie: twins, triplets) are dismissed.

● 3:10pm Prep and Year 1 students are dismissed.

● 3:15pm Year 2 and Year 3 students are dismissed.

● 3:20pm Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students are dismissed. 

● Parents are asked not to gather in groups outside the school gates and to observe social

distancing. No dogs to be in school grounds.


Parents/Guardians are asked to please follow the directions of staff for dismissal:

1. Parent/Guardian will enter the school grounds through the school gate when directed by a staff member.

2. Parent/Guardian will maintain social distancing along the brick pathway. 

3. When Parent/Guardian get to the front of the line on the brick pathway, they will collect child/ren.

4. Parent/Guardian and child/ren will exit through the big gate.


Late comers

● If your child is not at school by 8:50am and therefore will be late, there will be no

admittance to the school grounds until 11:45am. This is due to the unavailability of staff to supervise late arrivals.

● We ask that you only use the Bank Street Entrance and you ring the doorbell once when

you arrive. 

● A staff member will meet you at the school gate and students will be escorted to the office.


Early pickups

● We strongly advise against students leaving school early. 

● We ask that if at all possible you schedule medical appointments outside school hours;

however, if this is unavoidable you must pick up your children at the following times:

11:45am or 1:40pm.

● We ask that only use the Bank Street Entrance and you ring the doorbell once when you arrive. 

● A staff member will meet you at the school gate with the student.

Student On-Site Protocols

  • COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival: Students presenting any COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, temperature, runny nose will not be cleared for entry
  • Masks: As per CEM directives, students will not be required to wear a mask, however, families may choose for their child to wear one.
  • Arrival: Parents are to arrive at school with their child and remain with their child until they have been cleared to enter the premises.
  • Social distancing: Parents, students and families must not congregate at the school gate before or after school. They must maintain 1.5 metres distance from other people when waiting for the school to open or close.
  • COVID-19 symptoms throughout the day: Students who develop any COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, temperature, runny nose throughout the day will be immediately isolated with visual supervision. Parents will be contacted to collect their child immediately.
  • Playground/shared equipment: As per CEM directives, students may use the playground and shared classroom equipment.
  • Washing hands: Students are to wash hands thoroughly with soap, for 20 seconds, after sneezing, coughing, going to the bathroom and before and after eating.
  • Drinking Taps: Students may not use the drinking taps and must have a drink bottle at school
  • Physical Distancing: Students should practice physical distancing where possible. Maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 meters will not always be practical in the school environment and this may be particularly challenging in the younger years of primary school.