During week 7 of this term, Year 8 students were able to experience some of the activities that they missed out on when the Grampians Camp was cancelled during Term 2. Whilst not fully replicating the experiences that students would have had in Halls Gap and its surrounds, it was great to see the students fully engage themselves in a three-day program involving rock climbing, canoeing and orienteering as well as two team building workshops combined with some more fun elements in zorb ball soccer and ten pin bowling. The response from the students during the three days of the program was fantastic and they were obviously happy to experience in part one of the key memories of the traditional Mercy Campus program. A huge thanks must go to all of the teachers who set up and ran workshops, the canteen and maintenance staff for their efforts in ensuring some of the key ‘camp’ experiences still took place as well as the students themselves for their involvement in the program.


Also coming to fruition as we near the end of the year is the work that our Mercy Works classes have been completing. As you can see in the photos at the end of this article, some of the Mercy Works classes have been busy at work in the Mercy Campus garden fulfilling their roles as custodians of God’s Earth. Not only have they grown many of the native varieties, they have started to plant them around the Mercy Campus to add to the comfort and beauty of the facility we enjoy on a daily basis. It will be great to see these plants grow over the coming years and leave a legacy from this cohort into the future.


Fingers crossed that all Year 8 students are completing their final assessment tasks successfully. This time of year is always stressful and always an example as to why effective time management is important well before numerous due dates arrive. Students have been working hard in all classes and I am sure that they will be appropriately rewarded for the efforts that they have put in throughout the year. If students are having trouble completing all required tasks, they are encouraged to reach out to their subject teacher and discuss their needs with them. This is not only important for the end of 2020 but is a great habit to get into for their future years of schooling. I wish all students the best as they reach the end of the academic year and commence the transition into Year 9 and life back at the Enright Campus.


Mr Marcus Parker

Head of Mercy Campus