Welcome to the final edition of Community for 2020, and congratulations to us all for successfully meeting challenges with optimism, dedication, and perseverance this year. 

Who could have guessed that our intended celebration of community would end up taking shape around gratitude and a greater appreciation for what we already have? Surely divine providence gave us the tools we needed as we had need of them.


I praise and commend all St Joseph’s College students on their positivity and resilience. To the Class of 2020 in particular, I salute your ability to stay cheerful and upbeat whilst pivoting to adapt to situations out of your control during the most important year of your college career. You all have learned life skills that will help you navigate both the calm waters and stormy seas of post-college life. It is with great pleasure that the college will honour your achievements at the Graduation Dinner on December 10.


We are so blessed and lucky to learn and study together. Will we ever take for granted the ability to congregate with our community? From Christmas lunch and New Year festivities with our families and friends to summer travels within Australia, we can all look forward to treasured events and happy holidays. 


Let’s cherish and savour every moment of the summer that stretches out before us. For in the blink of an eye those weeks will have passed, and we will find ourselves on the cusp of Term 1 of 2021, the Year of Service.


What will our town, our region, and our country look like in two months’ time? More importantly, what can we do to ensure the safety and vibrancy of our community? How can we be of service to those who need us? As we enjoy taking time out these holidays, let us also eagerly anticipate next year’s work, and retain some of our holiday joy as we do our part to support and improve the world around us.


Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.

—1 Peter 4:10


God Bless,

Mrs Marg Blythman