Library News

Final Scholastic Order

Issue 8 is the final issue for 2022.  Students should have received the catalogue last week.  If they didn't and you would like to order some books, please don't hesitate to contact me. The completion date for orders is much shorter than normal to ensure all orders.

Overdue Books

Students have started to receive overdue notices.  If your child has overdue books, could you please ensure they return them as soon as possible.  If you are having trouble locating the book please don’t hesitate to contact me. 


There will be no more borrowing for the year after Week 7 (Friday 25 November).

Summer Reading Lists

If you are looking for a book to reading over Christmas or a book to give your children for Christmas these lists are fabulous!  The lists have been handpicked and reviewed by some of Australia's leading booksellers.