Rubbish Rebel Waste 

Term 4 of Environmental Science 


Safety first in Grade 1 as we experimented with bouncing balls to test energy in motion. Students bounced objects off various surfaces to see the differences. Students also pushed, pulled and rolled different objects and compared their results. Students in Grade 2 prepared ramps to test their understanding of energy in motion. Some really awesome creations! 

Students in Grade 5/6 were delighted as they experimented with chocolate chip cookies to explore the impacts of fossil fuel mining on habitats. Students attempted to extract only the chocolate chips without damaging the cookie to replicate mining for coal, they found this much more difficult than they had predicted. 

We had an exciting quest join us in SD Enviro; Echo. Chloe’s blue tongue lizard came in and we learnt lots of information about lizards shedding patterns, their diet and things he gets up to around the house. Thanks Chloe (and mum Kerrie) for bringing him in for us to look at. 

Exciting upcoming events for SPS 

We have some exciting events coming up to showcase the wonderful work our students have been doing with sustainability and reducing plastic pollution from our school yard and community. Selected students will be involved in the following events. They will be notified by Miss Dunstan if they are part of the event. Members of Mornington Peninsula Shire will be coming out to have a look at the grant money in action. Because of the Mornington Peninsula Shire Single Use Plastics grant we have been able to introduce reusable icy pole moulds instead of selling over 250 pieces of single use plastic each week. Council members will speak with student leaders and see the progress we are making with this initiative. Student leaders and ambassadors will travel to the Melbourne Zoo to showcase SPS sustainability. We will speak to members of the public and others schools and share our knowledge and ideas with others to help them create change in their school or home. Marine Ambassadors will travel to Jacks Beach in Crib Point to complete their final workshop of the year. They will complete a scats and track walk and discuss Indigenous flora along the trail. 


Somerville PS recycling hub 

We have so many ways to recycle your items from home here at SPS. Don’t forget to pop by our recycling station, just outside the Enviro room, to drop off your tablet blister packs (empty), plastic bread tags, socks, batteries, dental hygiene products and empty markers, pens and highlighters. You can also pick up a free book from our book box to take home.