School Council News

To all of our Wonga Park families,
It is an opportune time to write to you all, as we approach the end of yet another school year at Wonga Park Primary. The school is a hive of activity at this time of the year and the education staff, administration staff and leadership team continue to forge ahead to ensure the last 3 weeks of term are full of enriching and enjoyable experiences for our children.
Our valued and much-loved staff work tirelessly to deliver rich education programs and care for our students, balancing constraints and complexities and ensuring that decisions are made in the best interests of all. It is timely to acknowledge that our school and the leadership team, teachers and support staff continue to face the same issues and concerns around the ongoing operations of the school just like any business in the current economy. Not only do we share concerns about the health and well-being of our staff in the ongoing COVID landscape, we are also reliant on a large number of external suppliers and partners to deliver our expansive curriculum, support programs and external programs, each of which have their own challenges in this environment.
At this time of the year, I think it is time to reflect on the last 12 months, acknowledge and celebrate our achievements and continue to foster the most positive and engaging environment that we can for our students. In my time as School Council President and the years prior as a member on the Council, I have not witnessed this level of time, energy and care from the staff to enrich and educate our children.
With several key events in the coming weeks, I hope as a community we can embrace them all. The excitement of the Year 6 cohort graduating and moving on to the next phase of their education journey, the pathway that the prep cohort are about to take into the big school and of course the anticipation of the wonderful new prep cohort who, with their families, will form the foundation of our school community for years to come.
The school values revolve around respect, kindness and tolerance, and I trust that we can all continue to demonstrate these values in all of our interactions with each other and the broader Wonga Park Community. We also need to ensure that our staff are given our support and every opportunity to finish this year off on a high.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Wonga Park Primary School, and I look forward to seeing many of you at upcoming events
Matt Kohler
School Council President