Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

It is hard to believe how quickly the end of the school year is approaching.  One of the great things about schools is that even when it's a super busy time of the year we continue to be surrounded by the joy that children show every day as they learn and grow  - travelling to swimming on a bus, going on camp, meeting their prep buddy for next year, preparing for the Carols Night or preparing for Graduation. This week my bucket was overflowing when first I heard so many beautiful compliments about our school from the grandparents who were visiting for the Prep Grandparents morning and later I heard that similar compliments had been conveyed from the bus drivers, camp staff, surfing coaches and aboriginal elders who have been working with our senior students and staff at the 5/6 camp this week.  I felt immensely proud of our young people, our staff, and our families and the culture that together we have created. 




Recently we farewelled Mrs Reynolds who is expecting her second baby very soon!  With our very best wishes to Bek, Mike and Kellin as they await the arrival of Baby Reynolds.  A big thank you to Mrs Reynolds for being such a wonderful AUSLAN teacher.  Students have really embraced AUSLAN as a second language and loved learning to sign.  We will miss you!


This week we also farewelled Mrs Pike as she awaits the arrival of her first child. Our best wishes go to Carly and Ed at this very special time. We can't wait to meet Baby Pike! A very big thank you to Mrs Pike who has been a much loved classroom teacher for the past four years at Wonga Park.  We will miss you. 


Election Day BBQ

A very big thank you to school councillors, staff, parents and family members who helped at last week's election day BBQ.  It is a day that many of our past and present families and students enjoy returning to the school to vote, have a sausage in bread and enjoy the photographic display that our local history group provides. Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser - over $800 was raised on the day that will go towards our Welcome To Country garden project at the front of the school.


Grade Structure for 2023

Planning the grade and support structure each year is a complex task that takes into account the funding allocation the school receives.  The school's budget relies on funding from the State Government (which is based on the number of students enrolled each year) and Parent Contributions.  Next year our enrolments will be slightly decreased with more Grade 6s exiting than Prep students enrolling.  Although we have been given permission by the Department of Education to accept our three classes of prep enrolments each year, we are only able to accept siblings or students who live in-zone after the Prep year.  This enrolment strategy will see our enrolments settle at around 425 in 3 or 4 years time.  With  slightly reduced numbers in 2023 we will have 20 classes (one less than this year).  One change next year will be to have three straight grades at every level except in Grade 1/2 where smaller grade numbers have resulted in us having 2 straight Grade 1 classes, 2 straight Grade 2 classes and one multi-age grade 1/2 class. Although the class sizes in these grades will be slightly larger ( 24/25), extra targeted teaching support will be provided to students from Clare Tahin, through the TLI Program (Tutor Learning Initiative).  We have also created an additional Intervention Teacher role to provide literacy and numeracy support in Grades 3 - 6.  


We will yet again, have an amazing team of teachers and support staff in 2023. As well as our wonderful current staff, who will be returning next year,  we warmly welcome back from leave - Mr Jonah Read, Mrs Jade Lethbridge and Mrs Michelle Sabbatucci. We also welcome new staff members Mrs Jess O'Sullivan (Performing Arts) and Mrs Natalie McKinnon (Office Administration - Burch Pre-school). 


The following is the proposed structure for 2023 -


Julie Crawford

Assistant Principal

Mrs Adele Brice


Learning Specialists

Mrs Cindy Norman - Literacy

Mrs Terri Gioia - Numeracy


Classroom Teachers

Prep A - Mrs Elle Powell

Prep B - Miss Natalia Anker

Prep C - Mrs Julie Barnden (4 days) & Mrs Michelle Sabbatucci (1 day)

Grade 1A - Mrs Anita Beever

Grade 1B - Mrs Terri  Gioia ( 2.5 days) & Mrs Lauren Goodwin (2.5 days)

Grade 1/2 C - Mrs Sharmini Philp

Grade 2 A - Mrs Jocelyn Hollyman

Grade 2B - Mrs Natasha Tymensen

Grade 3A - Mrs Cindy Norman ( 4 days) & TBC ( 1 day) (recruitment process underway)

Grade 3B - Miss Emily Kiefte

Grade 3C - Mrs Katherine McGreevy

Grade 4A - Mrs Rachel Barnes

Grade 4B - Mr Jonah Read

Grade 4C - Mr Ben White

Grade 5A - Ms Meryl Archibald

Grade 5B - Ms Angelina Sercia

Grade 5C - Mrs Kylie Sledge

Grade 6A - Ms Nina Gridchin

Grade 6B - Mr Tim Phillips

Grade 6C - Miss Kendall Jess


Support/Intervention Teachers

TLI (Tutor Learning Initiative) - Mrs Clare Tahin

Literacy/Numeracy Intervention - Ms Rosemary Storey


Student Wellbeing

Ms Jennifer Dooley


Specialist Teachers

Specialist Art - Mrs Liz Kearton & Mrs Kristy Salisbury

Specialist PE / Sensory Gym - Mr Sean Holland & Mr Nathan Percy

Specialist Maker Space - Mrs Emma Broadhurst & Mrs Jade Lethbridge

Specialist Performing Arts - Mrs Melanie Lambden & Mrs Jess O'Sullivan

Specialist AUSLAN - Mr Nathan Percy


Education Support Staff

Business Manager - Mrs Kerry Davenport

Office Administration  - Mrs Lesley Grimley & Mrs Natalie McKinnon

Integration Aides - Mrs Georgette Thompson, Mrs Lauren Basilone, Mrs Elli Grasso,     

                                     Mrs Julie Evans, Mrs Wendy Allison

First Aid - TBC


Buildings and Grounds News

You may have noticed areas of the school where building works are currently underway - the Grade 4 relocatable classrooms, the BER and the Art room.  New ramps, decking and automated doors are being constructed/installed through the Accessible Building Program which is funded by DET.


Many thanks to Mr Read who did some much needed planting of indigenous plants in the play and creek space along Lantana Road. 


Finally the start date for our much awaited new Performing Arts Room is getting closer with materials being ordered!


Contractors have been booked to undertake an upgrade/refresh in the Grade 3/4 pod over the Christmas holiday break.  Classrooms will be repainted and new carpet tiles will be installed ready for the start of the new school year!


Upcoming events

Please put these dates in your diary -

We look forward to seeing you all at our Carols Night & BBQ next Wednesday, December 7th. 


Preparations are well underway for the Grade 6 Graduation on Wednesday, December 14th and the Grade 6 Fun Day Out on Thursday, December 15th


The Final Assembly for the year, where we farewell our Grade 6 students - Friday, December 16th at 12:00pm.  Dismissal will be at 1:30pm for all students.


Professional Practice Day for teachers - Monday, 19th December.  Please note that CRTs will provide a modified program for students on this day.  TheirCare will operate Before and After School Care at the usual times


Curriculum Day - Tuesday, 20th December -  Please note this is a student free day.  TheirCare is offering an all day care program.


We look forward to an exciting end to the school year.

Take care
