
By Davin Mark

Procedural Writing 


In Term Four, Level 3 students have been learning about procedural writing, particularly through the lens of engaging elements, language and audience. As part of transferring this knowledge, students were challenged to write a procedural text that is suitable for a prep audience, such as using pictures, simple vocabulary, and short steps. Then, they took their procedures to the ELC to help an actual buddy out. Here are some highlights from our visit to Prep E!




It was quite fun visiting the preps because I like hanging out with small people! My buddy was a little stuck but I helped him with the steps. – Krisha 


I enjoyed helping my prep using my procedure because he understood the steps and tried to do it – Fyn. 


I found it a little hard to explain it to my prep because she was a little shy. After talking a little bit and asking her favourite colours, she warmed up to me and followed my procedure really well. – Jessica


I had a fun time because we got to teach a buddy. It was easy because he understood the instructions and followed the steps well.  – Amika