School Wide Updates and Diary Dates


Upcoming Dates

Friday 28 October - Foundation Breakfast

Tuesday 1 November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday 

Tuesday 8 November - Colour Fun Run  

Monday 14 November - 2nd Fete Meeting 6:30pm Great Northern Hotel (meeting room)

Sunday 26th March 2023 - The Great Lee St Fete!!!

Society Standards For Women 

By Monet


What is perfection and why do we strive for it? Unfortunately in these modern days society’s standards are changing everyday and the pressure on women to be somebody that doesn’t even exist is being enforced more and more. Everywhere we turn we see dieting ads, filtered faces and smoother skin almost implying that this is what society expects of you. It is almost impossible to reach society’s standards because anytime anyone gets anything close to the perfect person the goalposts are moved.


Let me tell you a story about Ivy and Ian. Twins that have the same birthday, same parents, same lifestyle but from the moment they were born their lives were forced to go in two completely different directions. Ian was always encouraged by his family to play sports, socialise and make friends. Enjoy his choices to the fullest. Whilst Ivy was encouraged to focus on her looks. Eventually she came to the conclusion that her purpose in life was to look pretty and marry rich. She built up this idea that she was never pretty enough for her family. As their lives went on Ian inherited his father's business and happily lived his life with no one restraining him on what he can and can’t do. Whilst Ivy was always pressured by her relatives that she never looked or played the part of the perfect girl. As months turned into years Ivy eventually chose to get alterations to her face and body and even then she still didn’t feel good enough. Not only that but the pressure from her relatives around her never stopped, they just continued to move the goalposts. If Ivy took a second to really contemplate what she was doing with her life she would see that she is perfect the way she is and she as a person needs to live up to nobody’s standards. But society blinded her from that.


This may just be one story but I promise that there are plenty more out there. The pressure on women to be somebody who doesn’t even exist is ridiculous. Not to mention the extremes some women feel the need to go to, only to find out the goalposts have been moved. Society has used social media to create some sort of image of someone that everyone is expected to be. Some standards that social media has created are honestly debilitating. What they don’t realize is that both people are perfect, only society has made them oblivious to that. So no matter how hard you try or how far you get, society will just choose to move the goalposts.

But who says you need to be perfect?The standards that are created are not something that you need to live up to. You are perfect just the way you are and I think we should start accepting everyone as perfect no matter what. So don’t be blinded by society, open your eyes to the world of accepting yourself for who you are, not what society wants you to be.

Thank you.