From the Wellbeing Leader

Carly Bergen 

Reconnection Community Afternoon

Please join us for a time of reconnection on Friday 11th November from 3.30-5.30pm. Visit your child/children’s classroom, chat with their teacher and connect as a community. There will be big games on the courts for children to enjoy as you connect with each other. 

Children’s Week 2022: what SA children say about wellbeing

Last week, we recognised 2022 Children’s Week and celebrated how important the voice of a child is. Helen Connolly, the Commissioner for Children and Young People in SA began the Student Voice Postcard initiative 4 years ago where she asks primary school children to write in their own words what matters to them most.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll share what our children are saying in the space of wellbeing, COVID, looking after the planet and grownups.

Attached is the document The things that matter to children: what SA children say about wellbeing 

Some of my takeaways are:

  • Children want to be taken more seriously by adults and be given more opportunities to have a say in the decision-making process.
  • When adults listen to their big ideas, their wellbeing, self-confidence and trust in adults improves.
  • The have a clear vision about wanting a fair, inclusive and kinder world, where everyone belongs and has a say.

To learn more about this wonderful initiative from Helen Connolly, please visit

Centacare parenting courses

Please find attached flyers for upcoming parenting courses:

  • The Fast Five
  • Keeping Families Safe: Picking up the Pieces
  • Registration


To book into one of these groups, fill in the registration form and email it back to or contact the office on 8215 6700

Michelle Mitchell: Starting High School webinar

Michelle Mitchell, author of ‘Guys and Girls guide to puberty’ and teen expert has created a special interactive 3-part series to support children with their first day nerves, friendships and all things new.

You! Who? is an online experience for tweens aged 8 – 12, hosted by Michelle Mitchell, and created by a team of awesome people who want the very best for your child. 

For further information, please visit You Who-Starting High School | Michelle Mitchell

Michelle Mitchell and Justin Coulson: Teens, consent and romantic relationships webinar

In this webinar Dr Justin and Michelle Mitchell offer parents and carers insights into what teens need to guide them towards safe relationships. They also to discuss the importance of family values, setting healthy boundaries, consent, dating and helping teens through a regret or heartbreak.

When: Monday November 14th (live recording. A link will be sent after which is yours to keep forever)

Time: 7.00-8.00pm AEST

Cost $25.00

For further information, please visit Teens, consent and romantic relationships | Michelle Mitchell


Carly Bergen | Wellbeing Leader