VAPS AGM will be held at 6pm Monday 3 April, both in-person and online.
It will be held in-person at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Level 5, 234 Queensberry St, Parkville.
It will also be available online via Zoom using the following meeting link:
All VAPS members are able to attend the AGM, participate, and vote.
All VAPS members are encouraged to put their name forward for a position via this form.
The VAPS Committee is comprised of the following positions, all of which are declared vacant and nominations are taken to fill the roles for the following year.
- Chair
- Deputy-Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- General Committee Member
- Education Officer
We also have two standing sub-committee that any VAPS member is able to join and contribute towards in a general capacity
- PIPS (Philosophy in Public Spaces) Subcommittee
- VCE Subcommittee
The AGM will also provide an opportunity to create new subcommittee should any VAPS member have a proposal for doing so.
Please put your name forward to nominate for one or more of the above Committee positions, and/or to generally join one or more of the above Subcommittees via this form.