From the
From the
Dear Parents / Carers,
This week, our students are all participating in their Beyond Boundaries - Outdoor Adventure Program. This program provides students with an opportunity to face new challenges, overcome fears and build on personal strengths. One of the emotions that are often experienced by a student who is going to be away from home for an extended period is anxiety. Anxiety is defined as "apprehension without apparent cause." It usually occurs when there's no immediate threat to a person's safety or well-being, but the threat feels real.
Anxiety makes someone want to escape the situation - fast. The heart beats quickly, the body might begin to perspire, and "butterflies" in the stomach soon follow. However, a little bit of anxiety can help people stay alert and focused. Having fears or anxieties about certain things can also be helpful because it makes students behave in a safe way. For example, a child with a fear of getting run over by a car would avoid playing on the road.
Our students in their first three years at Primary School have also participated in a day long adventure experience.
Many children return home from the outdoor adventure experience with increased confidence and independence as well as a clearer understanding of why we need to co-operate with each other. The social benefits of such an experience are immeasurable.
Please find in the link below the latest edition of news from our students.
Another exciting development at Rowville Primary School this week has been the commencement of work on the Queen’s Jubilee Park. We were fortunate to receive a grant from the Australian Government to plant trees to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11.
The official opening of the Queens Park will be at 2.15pm on Wednesday 16 November. The Hon. Alan Tudge MP will unveil the memorial plaque and declare the park to be officially opened. All parents are invited to attend the short ceremony which will take place at the newly installed park.
Anne Babich