Deputy Principal - Academic

Mr Richard Baird

Australian Mathematics Competition

Mayan N of Year 7 has received the highest score in Victoria in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). He was awarded the Highest Achiever award for his accomplishments. As a result of Mayan's perfect score, he was also awarded the Peter O' Halloran award. Mayan was invited to the AMC Victorian State Awards night on 7 November where his achievements were acknowledged, and he was presented with the certificates. 


Good News Lutheran College is really proud to enhance Mayans mathematical skills and to provide opportunities for him to excel. Mayan, is in fact a Year 6 student, however, with some testing and Academic evaluations, the College identified him as working way above his year level. Therefore, he was promoted to a Year 7 class where he is doing exceptionally well.

Examinations – one form of assessment

We measure students’ knowledge in so many ways. Through oral or digital presentations, quizzes, Kahoot, project-based initiatives, inquiry, performance, practical work etc. This week we had exams for all students from Years 6 - 11.


Exams and tests are one great way to assess what the students have learned with regards to particular subjects. Exams will show what part of the lesson each student seems to have taken the most interest in and has remembered and prepare students for their VCE. 


Strengths and weaknesses can also be assessed through exams. The teachers will be able to understand where more attention in class may be needed when teaching the subject. School becomes more demanding as you get older. As you grow as a person, you also do as a student and the school curriculum becomes more demanding. The more you do examinations, the more comfortable you become. 


They do not however, measure the value of a person, define a person or replace a smile, nor do they measure one's values. 

Finishing Well 

As the term draws to a close, I have this week reminded students of the importance of finishing well. As I have regularly mentioned, finishing is more difficult than starting. With the excitement of school holidays, Christmas, and the start of warmer weather, some students can become a little disengaged. With this in mind, we wish all students well for their closing days of 2022.