Year 1/2 News

A Visit From Father Simon
The students have been learning about the church and the key people that are part of the church. They identified Father Simon as one of the key people from St Raphael's Parish and composed questions to ask him.
Some of the questions were:
'Why did you want to become a priest?'
'How did you become a priest?'
'What did you play with when you were younger?'
'What inspired you to become a priest at this church?'
'Do you like meeting new people?'
'Who gave the church its name?'
'What is your favourite story from the bible?'
The students enjoyed listening to Father Simon's responses and giggled when he mentioned that he got up to mischief when he was younger.
We thank Father Simon for visiting and sharing his experiences and knowledge with us.
Remembrance Day
In commemoration of Remembrance Day, the students focused on the story 'Lest We Forget' by Kerry Brown.
We discussed the themes and reflected on the events and emotions from the text. The students also completed Remembrance Day activities where they wrote letters to soldiers or from the perspective of a soldier, made a poppy collage and completed a 'compare and contrast' task on the past and present events drawn from the text.
Year 1/2 Homework
Thank you for all of the support you have given your child with their spelling homework this year. The students have been consistent in completing their homework through out the whole year and their enthusiasm for our Friday spelling sessions indicate confidence and pride towards the learning of the many different graphs, digraphs, trigraphs and spelling rules we have covered.
Week 9 will be the final spelling homework sheet that comes home this year. In class we will continue to revise all of the learnt spelling skills until our final day, but homework will no longer be required after week 9.
Home reading will continue until the final week of school. It is an opportunity for parents and children to share in stories and the wonder of books. As always students are encouraged to discuss the stories they read, and write a comment in their reading diary. If you would like to extend your child's reading in the final 2 weeks of this term, students are welcome to use their spelling homework books to write and draw about the books that they are reading.
Reading, Following and Writing Procedural Texts
As part of the Year 1/2 literacy program the students will be reading, following and writing procedural texts that will involve the use of the following ingredients (Teddy Bear biscuits, icing sugar, sprinkles, Smarties chocolates, margarine & white bread). If you have any objection in your child partaking/eating these products please inform your child's homeroom teacher as soon as possible via email.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Learning Intentions
Parent Helpers
This week will be the final week of parent helpers in the classroom.
We would like to thank all of the parent helpers that have given up their time to assist the students and teachers in our learning space. The children have really enjoyed having you and we hope you enjoyed your time with us.
There will be a school community celebration in the coming weeks to thank all the parent helpers. Details will be sent out prior to the event.
Important Dates
Aquatic Education - Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th November, Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd December, Monday 12th December (Water Safety session)
Sports Day - Wednesday 30th November
Headstart Week - Monday 5th December - Friday 9th December
School Carols Night - Tuesday 13th December at 5:30pm
Whole School Mass - Friday 16th December at 10am
Last day of school - Friday 16th December (1pm early dismissal)
Aquatic Education
Students will need to bring a swimming bag along with their school bag.
In the swimming bag, please include:
- a towel
- underwear
- goggles, swimming cap (optional)
- plastic bag for wet towel and bathers
In the mornings, please ensure all students are wearing their bathers underneath their sports uniform.
Sports Day
Students are to wear their house coloured top with their sports shorts to school.
They will need to bring a small backpack containing lunch, snack and drink bottle.
All students must have their school hat in order to participate in the events on the day.
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Samantha Phillips
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.