Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


Last Sunday was the final Sunday of Ordinary time in the liturgical calendar and also the Feast of Christ the King.  


'The purpose of this feast is to draw our minds and hearts closer to acknowledging the authority and sovereignty of Christ in a society that often forgets or denies the wonder and impact of his power.'   (


Interestingly, some of the 5/6 students have recently been working on essays that consider a similar notion.  They have been exploring the work and teachings of Christ and looking at where and how he has impacted on society today.  I have been very impressed at the research and thought put into their writing as well as their ability to make connections to people in the world who are making a difference. The supporting statements and use of  scripture quotes to back up their ideas has been outstanding.


St Francis Xavier Feast Day

On Sunday, December the 4th we will be celebrating the Feast day of St Francis Xavier at the 10:30am mass and we would love to see you there. The parish has planned a very special service during which our school will take responsibility for the Offertory Procession.  

There are special events and a sausage sizzle following the service.  See the flyer below along with the additional flyer outlining the children's competition. 



This Sunday begins our Advent Season and each year level is taking responsibility for preparing one of four Advent Prayer Services. We will gather as a school to light the Advent candles and pray during the next few weeks focusing on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. 


St Francis Xavier Parish, Frankston

Feast Day Competition

Express your understanding of St Francis Xavier

using a creative mode of your choice

Art work



Information Project

Prizes awarded in both Art and Writing Categories

Ages 5 - 7    Ages 8 - 10    Ages 11 - 13    

Entries to be submitted to the Parish Office or your class teacher

(St Francis Xavier School or St Augustine’s School) by Monday 28th November)



Warmest wishes and God's blessings, 


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader