3/4 V

Welcome to Week 8!


This week we've been working on Angles. Students have been learning the difference between right, obtuse and acute angles and where we might find these in our environment. Students used protractors made out of straws and pipe cleaners to explore and measure the angles in and around our classroom. They then drew the object and labelled the angle they found within the object. We will be continuing to identify angles within our environment and compare which angles are less than 90 degrees (acute) or more than 90 degrees (obtuse).


The 3/4's have been working very hard on completing their stories for their stop motion animation. These stories will become their scripts to assist with the story telling process. This week students have used the Chromebooks to begin typing their title page, three sequenced scenes, and their moral into Google slides. In addition, students have created speech bubble's with character dialogue to use as props in their animation to help move the story along. By the end of the week students will be introduced to the digital literacies component where they will experiment with the animation app called 'Stop Motion'. 


All students have been working very hard and creatively to design their sets and props for their stop motion animation, which are now in the process of being built. Students needed to first draw what their set may look like, followed by listing all the materials they needed to build their sets. The set building this week has been a really fun and creative process for all the students and they've enjoyed the hands-on making process. Thank you to those families who have supported their children by supplying the materials and resources they've needed to build their sets. We can see some great ideas coming out of 3/4V! 


Respectful Relationships

 Students have been identifying what they understand by the word ‘respect’ and who they think is responsible for being respectful. We then brainstormed a class definition of what they think respect means. We came up with 'respect is thinking and acting in a positive way about yourself and others'. We then explored the following question, 'If we think rights responsibility and respect are three very important things which help to make the world a safe, fair and happy place, then what can we do to help this happen?' Students then documented all the ways they could take action at a home, class, school and community level to help make the world a safe, fair and happy place for everyone.