Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 4 - Week 8


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


It is difficult to believe that we are fast approaching the end of the school year. As always, this is a very busy time. It is often a time when emotions bubble to the surface as children are coping with the notion of change. Many of them are mentally preparing for what the new school year will look like, and for the changes each new year inevitably brings. Please be aware that children, especially the younger ones, are becoming tired and ready for a long, hopefully sunny, summer break. One helpful tip, at this time of year, is to ensure that routines, including bedtimes, are kept. The clearer the boundaries are at home, the easier the routines of school will feel. If your child is struggling, please let their classroom teacher know so that we can support them during these last important weeks. 


Italian Day

Monday 28th November is Italian Day at St Francis Xavier.


On Italian Day, students are encouraged to dress up in clothes representing the red, green and white colours of the Italian flag, or to come dressed as their favourite Italian character. 


If you are yet to do so, please click on the link below and fill in the survey, providing consent for your child/ren to eat fairy floss, gelato and iced biscuits on Monday.



Christmas Food Drive for St Vincent De Paul

Yesterday Spencer, Austin, Marsarlina and Mackenzie travelled down to the Christmas Tree Farm to choose our Giving Tree for 2022. They certainly picked well!


This year, we will be running a Food Drive for St Vincent De Paul. Our perishable food donations and christmas hamper donations will be distributed locally to families in need in our community. We would love for donations to come in between Friday 25th November - Friday 9th December and be placed under the tree. Thank you!


As you can see, we have a busy few weeks until the end of the school year. I hope this schedule of events is helpful.


Week Nine

Monday 28th November - Italian Day

Friday 2nd December - School Junior and Senior Discos (during school time)

Sunday 4th December - St Francis Xavier Feast Day Mass at 10:30am - all families invited


Week Ten

Friday 9th December - School reports sent home


Week Eleven

Wednesday 14th December - Grade 3-6 PARC lifesaving sessions

Thursday 15th December  -  Grade Six Big Day Out

                                                      -  Grade Six Graduation

Friday 16th December - Whole School End of Year Mass @ 2:00pm (all families welcome)

                                                 Final day of formal classes

Week Twelve 

Monday 19th December - Moving Day for teachers. Cross age activities for students attending school. 

Tuesday 20 th December - Final day for Staff 


Have a fantastic weekend everyone. 


Steve Peart

School Principal