S1 Newsletter

A note from the Stage 1 teachers

As the weather warms up, students are removing their jumpers and coats more frequently. Please ensure each item is clearly labelled with name and class so we can return the item to the owner. If you are missing an item of property please ask your child to come and have a look at the lost property, stored on the shelves outside the library. 


In spelling, we will be learning to spell and read words with the graphemes:

  • ‘u’ as in full, ‘oul’ as in would, ‘oo’ as in wood.
  • ‘rr’ as in hurry and ‘wr’ as in write.

We continue our imaginative writing unit with a focus on developing tension and 'show don't tell' to ensure our readers are keen to read our narratives all the way to the end.

We can do this by:

  • using our five senses to develop tension in our writing
  • using lots of detail to ‘show’ the reader pictures they can see in their mind


Stage One is focusing on choosing the correct operation when solving word problems. We are learning to use Newman's 5 Steps to Problem Solving. 

We can do this by: 

  • rewriting the key information
  • identifying what the question is asking you to do
  • deciding what operation will be the best to help solve the problem
  • showing the strategies that could be used to find the solution
  • writing down the answer to the question