PFA Update

Nadine Power, PFA President 

PFA AGM and Volunteer Thank You Event

On the evening of Wednesday 23 November, the PFA held the annual AGM. It was a great opportunity to thank everyone for an extraordinary year and welcome the incoming PFA Executive. 

Congratulations to the PFA Executive Team for 2023: 

  • President – Nadine Power
  • Senior School Vice-President – Natasha Lowe
  • Senior School Vice-President – Fiona Godfrey
  • Junior School Vice-President – Kim Johnston
  • Treasurer – Annaliese Allen
  • Secretary - TBC

We are in need of a Secretary, so if you are handy at taking minutes and would like to volunteer, please contact Nadine Power via

We are also looking for Class Social Representatives (CSRs) across many year levels. If you would like to step into this incredibly rewarding and important role, either individually or together with others from your cohort, please sign up here. Thank you.

Finally, we say a very sad farewell to some long-standing and dedicated PFA members including Karen Winter, Helen Vouros, Julie Connolly, Treasure Vellis, Rosetta Scicluna and Belinda Steiner. Thank you for your warm and enthusiastic presence over the years and the generous contribution of your time, making our community the richer for it. You will be very much missed and we wish you all the best for your next journey.

Secondhand Uniform Shop (SHUS) 

The final SHUS opening for the year will be held on Saturday 3 December from 9.00am to 11.00am in Dalton Hall. Come on down to secure all your uniform items ahead of the 2023 school year. 


No bookings are required for sales, however if you have uniform items you would like to sell via consignment, please make a booking here


Come and vote at Kilvington on Election Day 

You may not be aware that Kilvington will be voting centre tomorrow for the Victorian State Election. Come on down to Dalton Hall between 8.00am to 6.00pm to cast your vote and grab an egg and bacon roll or a sausage from the PFA Sausage Sizzle which has been generously sponsored by Fletchers Real Estate in Ormond. 


Thank you to all those who have volunteered to make sure we have plenty of sausages available. We still have a few spots vacant, so if you are willing and able, please sign up here.

Final call for Centenary Fair sign-ups 

As we near the end of the year, we are finalising the list of stalls for our Centenary Fair. Below is a list of the stalls that still require coordination. Now is the time to grab your friends or year-level cohort and raise your hands! 

  • Hot chips
  • Hot dogs
  • Lollies/show bags
  • Face painting and henna
  • Fairy floss
  • Crazy hair
  • Plants
  • Chocolate toss
  • Boba tea

A list of all the stalls can be found at the sign-up page here. If you have any questions please contact Nadine Power via

Secondhand books collection

The PFA will be collecting good quality secondhand books to sell at the upcoming Centenary Fair on Saturday 3 December in Dalton Hall between 9.00 and 11.00am. Please drop them off in the area marked 'Book delivery here'. Thank you.

Date for Jam and Relish Making Day 

Calling all parents and friends who would like to participate in a fabulous and fun day getting together to make relish and jam for our Centenary Fair. Please mark Sunday 19 February 2023 in your diary. If you are free, please sign up here so we can cater for numbers. 


Please bring fruit and sugar (1kg to 1kg ratio) ingredients for your favourite relish or simply come along.  

Join the new PFA Book Club 


What: An opportunity to talk about great novels and get to know other parents over cake and a cuppa!

When: Monthly Sundays 2.00 - 4.00pm, commencing February 2023.

Where: Member houses, rotating throughout the year.

Costs: $147 for the year. This covers a CAE book group membership, including free delivery and returns throughout the year of nine books from their catalogue.


To express your interest or find out more details, please contact Megan Andrews via by the end of term. Thank you.

The Entertainment App sale 

For a limited time only, you can purchase a Single City Membership to the Entertainment app, and receive a bonus Multi City upgrade, unlocking access to 20 cities and thousands of offers anywhere in Australia, New Zealand and Bali.


You can give one to a friend and both save thousands from offers on dining, shopping, travel and more. And of course, 20% of the membership goes directly to support our school fundraising, so a big win for everyone. 


Buy your Entertainment Membership here

Dates for your diary 

  • State Election Voting - Sat 26 Nov
  • SHUS - Sat 3 Dec
  • Year 7 (2023) PFA Packer Park Event - Sat 3 Dec, 4.00 - 5.00pm
  • Centenary Fair Meeting - Mon 5 Dec