ELC News 

Anna Pummeroy, ELC Teacher 

This week, the ELC children welcomed Aunty Karan Kent for our final session of the year, learning about our natural environment while being immersed in Aboriginal culture.


In Magenta Group, Lucy suggested we take our shoes off like Aunty Karan, as a way to connect with and be closer to the land. 

Beginning with our Acknowledgement, Aunty Karan noted how the children are very confident with the words and actions after having practised it over the year. 

After revisiting the elements with images and a discussion, the children listened to a story called Remembering Mother Nature, by Stuart French. Discussing why it's important to look after our environment, as well as ways the children do look after their people, place and animals, the children resourced their learning from Aunty Karan and each other. 

To conclude the session, Aunty Karan encouraged the children to use dramatic play to act the story, supporting their understanding of the Aboriginal people’s interdependence with nature in all its forms. Thank you Aunty Karan!

Here are some comments from the Magenta children on Aunty Karan’s visit: 


Lily – I liked the Rainbow Serpent. Her mouth opened wide and all the people fell in, and then she sneezed and all the people came out.


Isaac – Aunty Karan taught us about the Rainbow Serpent.


Grayson – I liked the air animals. They are birds.


Olivia – I learnt that the rain falls down. We drink water and the plants drink water. I learnt that the yukky water is for the plants and the clean water is for people.


Lillie – I liked her Koala, it’s not real.


Lucy – I liked acting like the animals, I was a kangaroo.