Secondary School News

Secondary School News


Vocational Education & Training (VET) Programs

Vocational Education & Training (VET) programs have launched for the year, with the vast majority of Year 10, 11 and 12 students having attended their first session. Thank you to students and families for your support with VET - it can be challenging for students attending an external venue for the first time and it seems as though most have had a positive experience. Please contact me throughout the year with VET concerns or queries (



Louise Speirs-Bridge 

Applied Learning Leader

Wurun Senior Campus (A senior campus for Collingwood College & Fitzroy High School)




Year 10 Legal Excursion to the Courts





2023 Collingwood College Swimming Carnival

On Tuesday, March 21st, Collingwood College students from Classes 5-10 wandered over to the Fitzroy Swimming Pool to compete in the 2023 Collingwood College Swimming Carnival. Though a cool start to the day, the sun began beaming through at midday which encouraged a few more students to submerge into the depths. The free-play area and novelty events were a major hit (as usual) and it was wonderful to see so many of our students being active in the water and enjoying this school event with their peers and staff.


All houses saw some strong competitors in the Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke events. It was terrific to have such strong participation rates amongst our younger competitors who will have undoubtedly earnt their houses many points. 


Congratulations especially to Bottlegum Blue house for winning the day.

Blue House 156

Yellow House 101

Red House 89

Green House 29

The PE team would like to say a BIG thank-you to all students for taking part, whether competitively or not, and staff for assisting in the successful running of the day. We look forward to more involvement in school sporting events later in the year such as our Athletics Carnival which is scheduled for Term 4.


Thanks again


James, Aaron, Mel & Tom

Collingwood College HPE Team


Year 9-10 Cricket

On Thursday the 24th of February, Collingwood College year 9/10 students travelled to Coburg  and participated in an inter school sport cricket tournament against other schools. Throughout the tournament the team bonded and all together had a lot of fun, overall achieving third place. For a few of the boys it was their first time playing cricket and for them to pick it up quickly and end up third, was a great achievement. 

Aaron coached the team, brought them out to the venue, umpired and scored throughout the day. Without Aaron the day couldn’t have taken place and the team is very grateful. 


Osgar Bryant 

Year 9



INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:







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