Primary School News

Primary School


Dear Families,


A big welcome to our new families, especially the new Prep families. It’s such an exciting adventure beginning your primary school journey. What a wonderful start we have had to Term one. It’s been lovely having everyone back and the school community already into the swing of things.

First Day of Prep and Welcome to Collingwood College Rose Ceremony


This year the Year 10s welcomed the Preps with a rose. It was different to previous years.


Term one has been a busy term, with many new programs and events. We have had the Journey of Hope program begin with some grade 3 and 4 classes and it will run for the entire primary scool. The program has been funded by the federal government to support Victorian students after experiencing two years of lockdowns and online learning. Please see the link below for further information.


Today our famous Collingwood College market returned. We would love to grow this wonderful event and showcase our school community further. Please email me if you have any suggestions.


If I haven’t already seen you and said hello, I hope to do so soon. I do tend to be around the Vere st gate at the beginning of the day or the end of most days.



Journey of hope link:



Warmest Regards



Sormeh Afkari

Acting Assistant Principal - Primary




Creative Victoria Grant

Collingwood College is pleased to announce we have obtained a grant from Creative Victoria to work with the Centre of Projection Art. We are hoping to work with Years 5 to 8. We will be working closely with the Director of the Centre of Projection Art Priya Namana, as well as working with a variety of artists with photography celebrating indigenous culture.


What is an Orchestra?

During Performing Arts Prep students could hear music coming from next door. They were very intrigued to what it was. As a class we discussed what an orchestra is as well as a conductor. We arranged to see our very own Steiner class five Orchestra. The Preps were such a good audience and even clapped in the end.


Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts program




INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:





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