Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Autism Inclusion Teacher update

In week 5 I had the pleasure to attend a  2 Day Professional Learning Workshop at the Education Development Centre facilitated by Positive Partnerships. 


Positive Partnerships is a national project funded by the Australian Government Department of Education through the Helping Children with Autism program. 


The project is delivered by Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), who are Australia's largest provider of autism services.


The learning was invaluable and I really enjoyed the opportunity to connect with other Autism Inclusion Teachers within our network to discuss next steps within this new initiative and to collaboratively build my professional capacity in supporting autistic students. 


I will keep the community updated as I have further information about the role. 

Student Ambassador Announcement 

Student Voice 

We will be announcing our 2023 Student Ambassadors at our whole school assembly this Friday. Thank you to all students who submitted an application. There was a total of 77 applications submitted in years 3-6 who participated in the merit selection process. 


After the announcement on Friday, I will meet with all Student Ambassadors the following week, where they will receive their badges and a small gift to help them in their roles. 

Anglicare SA 'What's the Buzz?'

AnglicareSA Therapeutic Outreach Team would like to let you know that they are starting intake into their  April What’s the Buzz Social Skills Group.  


Please see below information on What's the Buzz. 


Program Overview:  

What's The Buzz is an evidence-based program developed by Mark Le Messurier and Madhavi Nawana Parker originally established in 2011. What’s the Buzz is a social, emotional literacy program that has a number of series designed to target specific aged groups including Early learner (5-8 years), Primary (9-11) and teens (12-15). Each program is made up of 16 sessions targeting a specific skill/area of development. 


The program is designed to be run for all children with a focus on inclusion. 

These are group sessions with a combination of supporting specific social and emotional literacy skills and facilitating social interactions between attendees offering a safe place to practice their skills and explore social scenarios.  


The content is designed to support children to understand and interpret social scenarios as well as identifying and regulating one’s own emotions. The program also focuses on building resilience in both a social context and overall life, by giving children the tools to respond to all social situations with the aim of supporting their mental health.  


How it is delivered:  

Families identify therapy objectives and participate in a pre-group informal interview. This highlights individual social profiles and informs a condensed version of the program tailored to the group's needs.   


These are 4 face to face interactive workshops which can run at various AnglicareSA locations during school holiday periods. The sessions are typically 90 minutes, twice a week. At the conclusion of the group, families will receive a program summary outlining their child’s progress and achievements.  


Program Cost:  

The program is funded by the NDIS at a group therapy rate, a fee for service option is also available. Upon registering interest, you will receive a quote and costs will be discussed.  


Program starting Date and Location: 26 Daphne street Prospect

Tuesday 18th April 9-10.30

Thursday 20th April 9-10.30

Monday 24th April 9-10.30

Thursday 27th April 9-10.30


Eligibility Requirements: 


1.  Age recommended between 5-8 years (suitability of children over the age of 8 can be discussed with therapists)  

2.    Medium - high level of language skills.  


If you have any questions or wish to discuss the workshops further prior to proceeding with the registration process, please contact Anglicare on 1800 953 001 or email them on NDIS@anglicaresa.com.au