Specialist News Performing Arts

Ms Stanton

Howdy all,

We’ve only just begun the term, but time is already flying! To start the new school year off, we’ve begun with group improvisation games that connect directly to our rules in performing arts:


1. Have a go.

2. Make mistakes, try again.

3. Liiiiiiiiisten (you can ask the kids how we say this).

4. Make each other look good.


These four principles are the foundation on which to build an ensemble culture and have students support and encourage one another in their creative endeavours. 


In Year 5/6, students have been exploring how they talk about and describe themselves in simple and increasingly complex ways through their re-creation of a Vogue 73 Questions interview.  In the same vein, Year 3/4 students have written short playbill profiles describing and presenting themselves as performers. These year levels have also begun to explore how music shifts mood and atmosphere during an acting scene. In the younger years, students have been deeply engaging with the rules by creating and acting in short skits that show what it looks like and sounds like to follow or not follow the rules. 


Year 1/2 students have begun working on character theme songs, investigating how music can reveal if a character is a hero or a villain. In Prep, learners are practising showing common universal emotions using facial expressions and body posture. We have also begun reading Goldilocks and students have been contributing sound effects as well as acting out some of the characters. 


Trinity learners have shown a great amount of courage and creativity as they’ve jumped right into their roles as performers. Please look forward to seeing some of their work in the coming weeks!


-Ms. S