Student Leaders News & Awards

School Leaders Yagmur and Douglas will lead the SRC every week at our Monday meeting.

One of their responsibilities is to promote the student driven “Caught being Good!”       

You may have heard the buzz about the special certificates presented at Friday assembly or your child has been “caught being good”.

Each week students from Prep to Year 6 are nominated by the school leaders and the SRC for demonstrating many positive behaviours to help make our school such a wonderful place to learn and play.

Students “catch” other students that are welcoming, kind, inclusive,  responsible, respectful  and keeping safe in our learning and play environments and many other examples that promote connection, pride and resilience of all.


We also follow the statements for our Positive Behaviours for Learning at Trinity and consistently promote our school values of Community, Excellence and Respect. 

Nomination slips can be put in the nomination box at the front of the office or given to Mrs Antonella by Thursday lunchtime. Certificates will be presented by the school leaders to students at Friday afternoon assembly.

Congratulations to all the students who will be “Caught Being Good!” this year!

 Positive behaviours for Learning at Trinity 


Please come and have a chat, email or call if you have any questions or concerns regarding  any aspect of your child/children’s wellbeing.


Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader


Student Class Awards (From Assembly Last Week)

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...
Prep CMGenesisSettling into her new school so well! We are lucky to have you in our class. 
1/2 RTOlivia VFor a fantastic reading session and taking her time to sound out the words.
1/2 UREilidh ZFor being a great class role model during learning time.
1/2 MBChristina Trying her hardest during maths this week. Well done! 
3/4 MG

Hoyoung Y




Trying very hard to follow directions and complete his learning tasks. Well done


3/4 TRTiero (Tie) VCongratulations on being chosen as SRC Leader for grade 3/4TR. Your speech highlighted why you would make a great SRC Leader.
5/6 FALucy BShowing maturity in the class by focusing on her work.
5/6 BOCDestinho BThank you Destinho for going out of your way to make your peers feel included and valued. It is a beautiful quality to have and we appreciate all that you do.

Mrs Marinelli

Writer of the Week


William M


For writing an interesting weekend recount, including capital letters, full stops and correctly formed letters and very proudly sharing it with Mrs Marinelli! 

Mrs Marinelli

Reader of the Week

Xavier S

Prep CM


For reading with so much expression! Congratulations Xavier!

Mrs Marinelli

Reader of the Week

Max H

Prep CM

For trying very hard to sound out words when he is reading! Max, you are a superstar!


Visual Arts - Ms Low-



Dimitri B

56 BOC



For being motivated to improve his work by applying previous knowledge and seeking help. 

Performing Arts - Ms Stanton



James G and Vy P (3/4MG)For creating and performing an improvised scene with a clear storyline and sharing the spotlight with each other.

Sport - Mrs Mcleary



Alice G 5/6 BOCFor developing her understanding of the rules in tennis and using them during a game.

Mandarin - Mr Su



Yr 3/4TR - Alex ZFor showing great participation and concentration in the learning activities of Mandarin.

Science- Mrs Foley



Sophie G 3 /4 MGFor being a motivated and independent learner, always trying her best during science time. Keep up the great work Sophie!

Ignation Award - Community: Congratulations to our first recipient of the Ignation Award for showing great COMMUNITY Spirit. 


Congratulations: Mikayla 5/6 BOC for alwys helping to make others feel that they can achieve.